Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Stereotyping, Discrimination, And Discrimination - 1416 Words
Stereotyping and discrimination are very deeply ingrained in American culture. Even though there have been movements taken to combat stereotyping and discrimination such as the Civil Rights Movement, the Women’s Rights movement, and the Black Lives Matter Movement, it still exists. This raises the question of, how do we end it? While there is no definite answer there is a way to avoid stereotyping and discrimination. The three essayists Bharati Mukherjee, Judith Ortiz Cofer, Brent Staples and show that by learning about stereotyping, people can also learn how to change themselves to avoid discrimination based on stereotypes. By comparing and contrasting these essayists experiences as well as outside research to show the theme of why people†¦show more content†¦A prime example is the way immigrants change their name to an Americanized version to fit in better. When immigrants come to America they come for new opportunities and to make a better life for themselves. Acco rding to an article from the New York Times, â€Å"adopting names that sounded more American might help immigrants speed assimilation, avoid detection, deter discrimination or just be better for the businesses they hoped to start in their new homeland†(Roberts). Changing identity has always been part of the culture in the United States, sometimes it is for a good reason and sometimes it is for a bad reason. Many times people change because they are persecuted for who they are. Another example of someone being discriminated against happened during World War I when a â€Å"Brooklyn judge refused the application of a Weitz to become a Weeks. ‘There is no good reason why persons of German extraction should be permitted to conceal the fact by adopting through the aid of the court names of American or English origin,’ the judge ruled†(Roberts). His person tried to escape discrimination and the anti-German sentiment that America held during the war and was deni ed. Sometimes people refuse to change and it does not end well for them. The example that Mukherjee uses in her essay compares the experiences of her and her sister when they both come to America forShow MoreRelatedPrejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination Essay1414 Words  | 6 PagesMost people have experienced prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination at some time in his or her life. There is no doubt social discrimination, prejudice, and hostility still create serious problems and challenges, even in today’s apparently more and more individualized and â€Å"enlightened†society. 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