Saturday, January 25, 2020
Fault Detection Robot for Underground and Overhead Cables
Fault Detection Robot for Underground and Overhead Cables CAREER EPISODE 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION During my journey of engineering, I completed a project named Fault Detection Robot for Underground and Overhead Cables. It was completed in my 6th semester while pursuing Bachelor of Technology in electronics and communication engineering from Guru Nanak Dev University, Gurdaspur, India. It was performed under the guidance of Prof. Anu Sheetal. The entire project was completed in six months from January 2012 to May 2012. Thus, my very first career episode is based on this project performed by me. 1.2 BACKGROUND Normally most of the companies prefer to lay wires through underground. Wires are laid underground for various purposes. The reason for doing this is to protect the wires from any climatic conditions and changes. But while considering this positive factor there are cons of this method too. There occur problems while laying wires and during service and maintenance it becomes very costly, time consuming and difficult to fix and solve the issue. Also, cable can break due to any reason then it gets difficult to locate them and replace it. Basically, in manual technique of replacing cables, approximate location I found and the cables are dug out and manual checking is done to find the exact point of problem. 1.3 To overcome such challenges, I have designed a robot which can find faults and the place of complaint, making it easy for engineers and technicians to dig a hole at the precise place for error solving and fixation. The technology used behind the working of such robot is electromagnetic theory for detecting the discontinuity of the cable wires. Induced magnetic field is generated when a low frequency based signal can pass through the wire with the help of signal injector, which helps in finding the place of possible defect. The robot can locate the position of the fault or short-circuit issue from external surface and point out the exact place of discontinuity. 1.4 OBJECTIVES The main idea and goal behind employing such project is to benefit the industries laying wires underground for various electronics, electrical or other purpose. In this project an overhead wire fault detection and location system is introduced as the main or fundamental for industrially controlled computers. The project was executed to overcome the problem to repair faulty wires which required the help of experienced and practical trained operators. The accuracy and precision of short circuit fault detection is improved and upgraded by using the combinations of different methods like current rate of change and zero detection are used, along with using different and new technology based hardware and software. Features like 5th harmonic current and ground phase voltage drop was integrated to it. The project was used and put to operation and it worked in good running condition. 1.5 MY WORK DUTIES To implement and achieve success in this project, I started planning on how to approach the problem statement and what could be the possible solution for it. which followed by initial understanding on the working principle of the project. After making a work flow on the approach, I decided upon the components that were required for its implementation. A budget was made and followed all the time and a safety level was maintained during the progress of the project. Later staged involved in planning and designing of the PCB layout based on the block diagrams and the circuit diagram. Coding was done for the working of the project which was followed by performing certain tests and troubleshooting the whole device to find any faults and resolve them on time. The last stage involved preparation of the presentation and reports. My duties also involved meeting the supervisor weekly and updating her about my project progress. 1.6 PERSONAL ENGINEERING ACTIVITY The execution part for my project began with outlining and understanding of all possible differences amongst industrial robots, service robots and their process of application or working. Along with that I also analyzed the challenges that are faced due to its application and different methods that could be employed to detect the fault and isolate the faults. I also included few examples for comparison of methods relating the situation. Based on their experimental results, I came up with my block diagram for the project. It has two parts one for the robot and other about the remote. 1.7 After finalizing my initial block diagram, I listed out the components that were required for the hardware structure of the robot and the remote. The components used are described below: 1. For Power Supply  Diodes of 1N4007, Capacitors of 1000 and 100  µf, IC7805, LEDs, Resistors, Push Buttons. Using these components, a power supply consisting of three parts namely, the rectifier unit, filter unit and regulator unit is designed for giving supply to my device. 2. LCD 162  for displaying the location of faults by displaying a message or small written signal 3. Tx IC HT12E 4. Transformer 0-12V and 500mA 5. Motor driver IC L293D 6. RxIC HT12E 7. Buzzer for alerting on finding a fault in the wiring 8. Transistor BC547 9. Motor 60rpm, to drive the robot 10. Microcontroller ATMEGA16, the coding and the program is written and loaded into it for the functioning and signaling of the robot. 11. Magnetic field sensor ZMY20, extremely sensitive sensor which is used for measurement of magnetic field or detection of magnetic ports. It has magneto-resistive effect of thin film perm alloy. 1.8 With the help of above components, I started to design and implement my hardware. I started with designing the power supply and then the robot. After completing the structure for the robot, I made a remote to operate it from a distance with the help of IR radiations. Once my whole device/robot was ready, I mapped a flow chart which described the working and the functioning of the device. The flow chart took lot of efforts as every small point had to be noted for the functioning of the robot. The flowchart can be seen below. 1.9 The core idea behind this robot was for short circuit detection that occur in the underground cable breaks. The continuity of the cables is first checked using a multimeter as the cables are laid across large areas. After detecting the stretch of wire where the problem of discontinuity occurs, the robot is made to use for detecting the final and precise location of the breakage or fault. External remote navigator circuit is used for the robot and it is placed on the cable. A wire is also connected to the signal generator unit. The robot is positioned in such a way that the discontinuity lies in the forward direction and the robot moves along that direction. 1.10 A 3KHz signal is passed through the wire and a power is supplied to the robotic unit. An electromagnetic field is generated as per the Faradays law, after the current starts receiving and moves around. This electromagnetic field will generate a voltage that will be provided using the microcontroller RA0 pin and thus controlling the movement of the robot. On reaching the point of discontinuity the robot will not generate electromagnetic field, which will trigger the buzzer circuit connected to it indicating the fault and location of the issue. The HALL sensor unit can be used and provided to get the exact distance that the robot moves in finding the discontinuity and the LCD module connected to it will display the details. Once the location of fault is found, the cable operators and technicians can dig that ground and resolve the problem easily. 1.11 Based on the working, I planned the flowchart for the coding and programming part of the circuit. I used the software called BASCOM-AVR which supports the 8051 microcontrollers and Atemls AVR microcontrollers. Both coding and testing can be performed using this software. I wrote a code for the below flow chart and successfully loaded it into the microcontroller to check its working. Robokits AVR USB programmer is used to load the program that is made in BASCOM into the microcontroller after generating a HEX file of the program. The best advantage of working on BASCOM is that it has menu options specially for troubleshooting your program. 1.12 After completing both hardware and software part for this robot, I gave it a test run to see its functioning. I faced an issue while running the robot, initially it didnt detect or generate an electromagnetic field which was required to detect the faulty cables. So, I made use of magnetic read switch which could generate magnetic field of 440V or above and It was cheaper than the magnetic field sensors. On considering the safety perspective, there was a risk due to the use of high voltage of 440V. Thus, I decided to use a magnet to generate the require magnetic field and current instead of providing such high voltage supply. So, once the robot senses the magnetic field around the magnetic read switch that is generated with the help of magnet, the buzzer will start to work. Another issue was replacing this component i.e. to replace the magnetic sensor with a magnet because all the connections were done and the circuit could get complicated. To do that, it took lot of patience and it h ad to be done carefully. This was the major problem I encountered during my project. 1.13 SUMMARY Thus, to save the manpower and wastage of time, I developed such robot that detects the faulty cables. I believe it will be helpful to various companies. The robot is designed to be user-friendly and easy to access. It is also cost-effective and controlling and maintenance is very easy. It has lot of scope for expansion, it can be used to detect faults at places which is not accessible by human hand or places which require large amount of safety. 1.14 This project was the first project of my bachelors degree, so it held lot of importance, and it taught me a lot. I gave a final presentation and a report document stating the work I did and the completed working and description of the project. I presented it to my faculty staff and in front of my classmates. I got good help and support from my guide in all difficult situations. It used my basic programming knowledge. It boosted my confidence in my field. I got motivated and inspired to implement and research new projects which would use more advance electronics and telecommunication knowledge.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Literature of the Western World Essay
The hallmarks of the epic hero represent different traits like possessing super-human or superior, being courageous and intellectual, and being responsible and strong leader. The epic hero undergoes phases of struggle in the journey of self-discovery against the constraints in the societal changes. In the poem Odyssey, the main character Odyssey struggles on the way to self-discovery until he overcomes the obstacles and in his venture to fend off the suitors of his wife Penelope. Odyssey has all the qualities of an epic hero for he is brave, courageous, superior strength, and intelligence wins him back his wife (Wilkie & Hurt, 1998, p 19). In the poem Iliad by Homer, the epic hero, Achilles although in some aspects is different epic hero; he has pride and arrogance that characterize the epic heroes (132). In the Aeneid by Virgil hero is more of improvised and imitated than it is the case of epic hero. The Aeneid is derivative for it borrows from Homer and contextualizes it in Roman and Virgilian. The individualistic view is portrayed in Iliad depicting the characters from his own judgment at his time but not according to the canonical standards (273). In the epic of Gilgamesh, the main character Gilgamesh has all the qualities of an epic hero because he goes out of his way to serve his people and show respect to those who reciprocate his actions to them. Pride is his tragic flaw; Gilgamesh learns his lessons after losing his arrogance. He has great hero’s attributes because he is great leader, ready to sacrifice his life for his people and thus he fits in the Heroic Code (973). The Sophocles play Oedipus Rex is the greatest tragedies the Elizabethan era has ever produced. The plot revolves around Oedipus and the prophesy of the oracle. In the play after prophesy is fulfilled, plague affects Thebes and King Oedipus is committed unravel the cause. When he consults the oracle, it is like a person going through a process of gradual self discovery where he is told of the murder of King Laius. Oblivious of his own destruction, Oedipus follows each hint to the discovery from which he promises to punish the culprit. When Oedipus accuses Tiresias of blindness, it is Oedipus who is blind because he does not consider himself as the person who might have committed the murder crime. He lacks vision and he is like a dog trying to bite its tail. The image of blindness is effective in the play because those who are blind like Tiresias who is the prophet have vision and insights to matters that those with sight like Oedipus cannot see. Oedipus is ignorantly blind although he has eyes to see. Though physically blind, Tiresias can ultimately see what Oedipus is ignorant of (741). In the epic poem Paradise Lost by Milton, the persona expresses the frustrations of the fact that he cannot see and therefore not able to sufficiently serve God. Wilkie and Hurt (1998) points out that just like play where Oedipus learns of Tiresias vision; the persona of the poem grasps the fact that he can use positively his physical impairness as part of God’s work (2099). There are different forms of poems raging from odes, elegies, sonnets, and pastorals. Ode is a lyrical poem that is a moderate piece dealing with serious subject matter. Romanticism poets utilized odes to explore problems of general and personal matter. An example of ode poem is Ode to a Nightingale by Keats that praises the famous Nightingale for the servitude to others. An elegy is a classical poem which is made up of couplets where the poem is about lamentation for loss of something or a person. The poem revolves around reflection of things that were shared in life and nostalgic remembrance of the vanished past. The main theme explored is death. An example of elegy; A memory of a sister by Thomas Hardy where the speaker nostalgically remembers his dead sister. Pastoral poem explore on leisure and some of the example is Milton’s Lycidas (842). Pastoral poem is viewed as sub-group of elegies for focus is on the subject of mourning and of love. The distinguishing factor is that they dwell on the idealized rather than focusing on the realistic aspects of life. Sonnet on the other hand is a poem that consists of fourteen lines and is of two kinds; the Petrarchan and the Elizabethan sonnets. The Petrarchan sonnet is composed of two parts; one with eight lines and the other with six while the Elizabethan sonnet entails three segments of four lines and the concluding two lines called a couplet. A Farewell to Arms by Hemingway is an example of an Elizabethan sonnet (879). In analyzing the nature and effect of the â€Å"framework tale†in the Canterbury Tales, The 1001 Nights, and the Decameron, the social life from the classical period is explored. The Canterbury Tales explores the pilgrims’ journey to gain forgiveness and blessings in travel that represents a section of the society in England then. In the epic journey, Chaucer explores the Elizabethan society infusing it with romantic scenes. Martyrs, miracles, and curses are ultimately explored in death where the journey is all about discovery among the travelers where societal virtues and morals which are imparted upon generations while vices are despised via the symbolic journey (1670). In The 1001 Nights by Al-Jahshiyari is Arabic literary works that has had influence in European literary works. Just like the Canterbury Tales, The 1001 Nights explores on religious journey of the Arabs in their quest to find more about spiritual fulfillment. Its oriental function is important for it is equated to the Elizabethan society’s journey through the classical portrayal in self-discovery (1572). The Decameron explores on the mediaeval era society where philosophical aspects emerge in the society and ultimately employs divine comedy. Literal aspects in society form part of the message explored while allegorical stories touch on Christianity. Like in classical literature where characters are literary involved in the journey of discovery, these plays have background on the journey via which the characters have to undertake learning important lessons in life (1878). The worldview is literary depicted in the Divine Comedy by Dante where by the society of the Middle Ages was explored on the theological perspective and the Renaissance’s philosophical expanse. The comedy uses the humanistic approach via which the theme of self discovery; the journey in the society towards the affirmation and redemption of the characters in the light of God. The comedy is structured in an epic poem where Christ’s life of resurrecting from death after he had suffered. Analyzing the Divine Comedy, it is paramount to not that it is not about a mythologized hero but reflection on contemporary person. Dante uses humble language in contextualizing the Christ’s message for the reader access. The poetic ingenuity is great because Dante employs his wit through the verse where meditation, dialogue, theological musing, and cosmology are explored carrying the reader through his or her reading. The comedy fits in the concept of contrapasso in the sense that it reflects on the speaker’s suffering in lack of the knowledge of redemption to eternal light. The suffering in Hell is brought out in the medieval belief and the society has to undergo the divine justice for eternal redemption of the sinners who form the society (1405). Reference Wilkie, B & Hurt, J. (1998). Literature of the Western World: The Ancient World through the Renaissance (5th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Writing an essay is a challenge for students
You probably pretty often experience panic when receive the new essay writing assignment in school. You are not the only one!!! Many students take it for a great challenge. Some consider it to be harder than mathematical questions, because there are no exact answer, you are not sure what exact result you have to get, you can not compare it with your friends answer, it has to be your own creation, which has to show the teacher that you know the subject you are writing about and are confident in it. That is probably the biggest problem when writing a student essay. It is usually very hard to force yourself to sit and write. There are many factors which influence students. Some students are afraid to start because they can not choose the topic. If it is not given, and the students are not confident enough, or if the topic is given and the students think that they know too little to start writing they often feel panic and resort to the help of custom writings services. When choosing your topic, choose something that no one else will choose, the teacher will definitely value your willingness to produce original work. Definitely, the writer should surprise him/herself, which means the writing is worth reading. There can be many other factors that postpone the writing, but these are the most common. When you see that you can not start writing, try to understand what your problem is and try to deal with it. Of course it is not that easy, but when you know the problem, you know with what you are fighting. Even if you are not very confident in what you write after reading many sources, and started writing nevertheless, you will see that you know more than you thought. It is hard to realize the amount of your knowledge when it is all in your head. Do not be afraid to express your thoughts. Writing will definitely reveal your hidden knowledge. When writing your first draft you do not have to start with introduction. Write what you know at first, later you will have a chance to fill in the blanks. The more time you will have before the deadline, the more chances you will have to improve your paper, so do not start writing it in the last night, this is really helpful strategy. When writing your first draft do not be afraid to express all your thoughts even if they seem strange to you, no one will be reading them unless you will ask some one to evaluate your writing. By the way, if you have a person whom you can trust, it is good to ask for advice. Fresh look from the other person usually brings good ideas and suggestions. When your ideas are down on the paper, when you have something with what you can work, you will see that the challenge has disappeared. Now you are on the right track, and soon you will reach the aim. So if you have an assignment hanging on you right now, do not be afraid, take a deep breath and get started. Good Luck!
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Stereotyping, Discrimination, And Discrimination - 1416 Words
Stereotyping and discrimination are very deeply ingrained in American culture. Even though there have been movements taken to combat stereotyping and discrimination such as the Civil Rights Movement, the Women’s Rights movement, and the Black Lives Matter Movement, it still exists. This raises the question of, how do we end it? While there is no definite answer there is a way to avoid stereotyping and discrimination. The three essayists Bharati Mukherjee, Judith Ortiz Cofer, Brent Staples and show that by learning about stereotyping, people can also learn how to change themselves to avoid discrimination based on stereotypes. By comparing and contrasting these essayists experiences as well as outside research to show the theme of why people†¦show more content†¦A prime example is the way immigrants change their name to an Americanized version to fit in better. When immigrants come to America they come for new opportunities and to make a better life for themselves. Acco rding to an article from the New York Times, â€Å"adopting names that sounded more American might help immigrants speed assimilation, avoid detection, deter discrimination or just be better for the businesses they hoped to start in their new homeland†(Roberts). Changing identity has always been part of the culture in the United States, sometimes it is for a good reason and sometimes it is for a bad reason. Many times people change because they are persecuted for who they are. Another example of someone being discriminated against happened during World War I when a â€Å"Brooklyn judge refused the application of a Weitz to become a Weeks. ‘There is no good reason why persons of German extraction should be permitted to conceal the fact by adopting through the aid of the court names of American or English origin,’ the judge ruled†(Roberts). His person tried to escape discrimination and the anti-German sentiment that America held during the war and was deni ed. Sometimes people refuse to change and it does not end well for them. The example that Mukherjee uses in her essay compares the experiences of her and her sister when they both come to America forShow MoreRelatedPrejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination Essay1414 Words  | 6 PagesMost people have experienced prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination at some time in his or her life. There is no doubt social discrimination, prejudice, and hostility still create serious problems and challenges, even in today’s apparently more and more individualized and â€Å"enlightened†society. 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