Saturday, September 7, 2019

W6 OM Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

W6 OM Discussion - Essay Example Several modern day project managers associate themselves with six core concepts and processes of project management. These are initiating, planning and design, executing, monitoring and controlling, closing, and project controlling and project control systems (Meredith and Shafer, 2014). These systematic processes are in place to ensure that from the beginning to the end of a project, there are critical considerations for the roles that each stakeholder can play as a way of ensuring that the project becomes integrated and well coordinated to accomplish its desired goals. There are a number of projects across the globe that are perfect examples of the utilization of the core concepts of project management and how successfully these turned out to be. The HM Revenue and Custom’s (HMRC’s) Enterprise Release (ER) project is a perfect example of how project management was employed as a means of implementing IT services in a manner that was described to be in accordance with critical timescales and having very minimal disruptions to the business and public service (The Stationery Office, 2012). Even though there were challenges along the project, using the five major processes namely initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and control, and closing ensured that all of such challenges were overcome in due time. The Stationery Office (2012). Managing successful change: IT service transformation at HMRC. Accessed 17th April, 2014 from

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