Monday, September 30, 2019
Revenge and Delay in Hamlet Essay
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare is one of his most influential tragedies telling the story of treachery, revenge and moral corruption. The play is about Prince Hamlet who seeks to exact revenge on his uncle Claudius for murdering his King Hamlet, Claudius’s brother. Hamlet’s father then succeeds the throne and takes as his wife Gertrude, the old King’s Widow and Prince Hamlet’s father. â€Å"As doth well appear unit our state, But to recover of us by strong†¦ †(1. 1. 01-102) These word by Horatio, Prince Hamlet’s close friend reveals to the reader one of the crucial themes in this play, the need for revenge, not just by Hamlet but by Fortinbras, the Prince of Norway and Claudius through Laertes. Their emotions, thoughts and action are fueled by their craving for vengeance and as the three revenge plots intertwine, it is revealed that the nature of revenge is not simple but complicated as the reader seeâ₠¬â„¢s Hamlet’s inner struggle to take action, and his inability to make decisions. see more:conflict in hamlet The indecision, hesitation and delay are what make the plot stand out from other revenge stories. The main plot in the play is that of Hamlet who is visited by the Ghost of his father telling him to avenge his death. Hamlet’s response was â€Å"Hast me to know’t, that I, with wings as swift, As meditation or the thoughts of love, May sweep to my revenge†(1. 5. 29-31)Sets the plot for revenge but later he is seen having his doubts as expressed in the line â€Å"Fie upon’t, foh! About, my brains! †(2. 2. 574). After Hamlet establishes Claudius’ guilt, by staging the murder of Gonzago he gets the opportunity to kill the unattended Claudius in his chamber but allows this opportunity pass after soliloquizing the matter and saying that killing Claudius will not be revenge as he will go to heaven. Throughout the play he is reflective and pensive and delays the moment as long as he possibly can. He is later exiled when he accidentally kills Polonius. After another visit by his father’s ghost he makes up his mind. He returns to Denmark and in a fencing match that ensues, he manages to kill both Laertes and Claudius even though he dies from the wound he received from the Poisoned tip of Laertes sword. Claudius on the other hand, uses Laertes as tool to carry out his plan to kill Hamlet. Laertes is blinded by the need of vengeance such he would do whatever it takes to accomplish this without any hesitation whatsoever. Claudius takes advantage of this situation and it’s quite evident in the following lines: â€Å"Laertes, was your father dear to you? Are you like the painting of a sorrow†(4. 7. 05-107) and â€Å"To show your father’s son in deedmore than in words? †(4. 7. 123-124) Laertes replies: â€Å"To cut throat i’the church. †(4. 7. 125)Claudius cultivates this thirst and his ability to act rashly which drives him in a fencing match with Hamlet. This turns into a bloody ending and ultimately leads to Hamlet and Claudius’ death. Fortinbras, the prince of Norway wants to avenge the death of his father by creating so large an army that would over the Danish army. He is a strong-willed leader described as â€Å"Hot and full†(1. 1. 96), with a tendency to act rashly as opposed to Hamlet’s continual hesitation delay. While Hamlet is contemplating on the issues of life, death and morality of revenge, Fortinbras is out to conquer lands. However, he also listens to his friend Horatio who advices him to wait before he attacks Denmark. This allows him in the end to achieve his vengeance without doing much. Hamlet himself considers Fortinbras a model of greatness, as he passed him with his army he remarks, â€Å"To be great, is not to stir without great argument but to find quarrel in a straw, When honor’s at the stake. †(4. 4. 52-55) Fortinbras is not bothered too much with thoughts and is quick to take action to preserve his family’s honor. In conclusion it can be said that the main reason Hamlet fails on his mission of vengeance is due to his hesitation partly brought by his own cowardice and partly due to his inner conflict with the moral outlook of it all. Laertes fails because he is too quick to move into action without careful consideration of the situation at hand. Fortinbras on the other hand, succeeds because even though he was quick to take action, he listens to his uncle’s advice. In the end, this teaches the reader the importance of thinking clearly, coherently and sticking to our principles prior to taking any actions.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Crisis and Opportunity Essay
1) Introduction Nowadays, we have created our own world of technology. Convenience and efficiency are catered through it. Yet, the earth, the natural world, seems to rebel against such artificial world, by sending signals of natural crises to us. In this project, we are going to talk about â€Å"How people benefit from Water Crisis†surrounding the theme â€Å"Crisis and Opportunity†. The water crisis is branched out as two sections, namely water shortage and water pollution. The amount of water in the world is stable; it just changes its physical forms. Nonetheless, the problem of water shortages still exists. In fact, what we lack is clean water. With rapid advancing of human activities and technology, and unfavorable natural features like uneven distribution of rivers, the water crisis is growingly affecting our lives negatively and takes them at risk. Water is polluted by increasing human activities. Industrial wastes which include heavy metals like mercury and lead, harmful to living things, are illegally dumped into water sources; Sewage is directly deposited into rivers, which normally is a source of clean water. Ultimately, global warming, was elicited by human too, depletes clean water. With changing of climates, some countries face more floods which pollute clean water while other countries face more droughts which cause massive drying out of clean water. Now, we start worrying about the crisis because water controls our lives tightly as we could not survive without it. On the other hand, people are developing more and more solutions. By approaching the problem optimistically, this ought to turn this crisis into an opportunity so that we and the world can proceed sustainably. Scientists from all around the world have come up with ideas to solve the problem piecemeal. 2) Literature Review We used secondary research in this paper as there is simply no way for us to conduct our own research on water crisis. We mainly consulted online websites and read some online books. We also read articles from credible magazines such as National Geographic There is also a website called Global Water Intelligence which is a Market-Leading website for the analysis of International water industry. From these sources, we mainly found out that water is very limited around the world and there are people dying from consuming polluted water or simply dehydration. We also found out that the water crisis brought out some new technologies that changed the water pattern of the world. Have you ever thought of turning water from your basin into drinking water? Some people may think that it is impossible, or even a disaster. However, in Singapore, scientists have developed some methods, which can change waste water into pure water. The reused water is called the â€Å"New Water†. How to purify used water? Used water is collected from residence, companies, and schools, and then it is purified by three steps. First, it undergoes microfiltration. Large particles can be filtered away in this step. Afterwards, it undergoes reverse osmosis. Differentially-permeable membranes are used in reverse osmosis. These membranes contain tiny holes, which can only allow water molecules to pass through, so contaminated substances, such as viruses, bacteria can be removed. Lastly, ultraviolet light is used as a back-up to ensure the remaining micro-organisms were completely killed. This makes â€Å"New Water†. On the other hand, some people might worry that â€Å"New Water†was unclean, and thus may affect the health of citizens. However, research conducted, as shown in figure 1 and 2, the level of organic substance and amount of bacteria in â€Å"New Water†was much lower than the local reservoir water. Indeed, this shows that the â€Å"New Water†meets the requirement of drinking water so its safety was ensured. Compare to the other sources of water, â€Å"New Water†is even cleaner. Therefore, it was awarded many global water awards among these years, and this can surely tackle the problem of water shortage without polluting. There is another way to tackle water shortage and pollution. Do you know how sailors obtain fresh water when they are on a voyage? They obtain fresh water by changing sea water into drinking water. This method is called desalination. Sea water accounts for 97% of the world’s water resource. Only the remaining 3% is consumable for humans. In some countries like Saudi Arabia, there is water shortage. They only have a small amount of consumable fresh water. However, they have a large supply of sea water. However the salinity of sea water is four times higher than our body fluids. When we drink salt water, water molecules in our cells will move out of the cell due to osmosis. This net transfer of water may cause our cells to shrink, which may lead to dehydration, and death in serious situations. So how can this modern technology help us to turn this crisis into another opportunity? Desalination refers to the removal of salt and other minerals of saline water to make it consumable. It has become increasingly popular in recent years due to enhancement in technology. There are two methods for desalination. The most common type is work by reverse osmosis, which is based on osmosis- the movement of substances from a lower concentration to a higher concentration. It is a membrane-technology filtration and removes salt and minerals by pressurizing the sea water, forcing them to move through the selective membrane. The selective membrane has pores that allow only water particle to pass through, so that salt molecules and other pollutants are trapped behind the membrane. The by-product produced in the process is salt. It creates an economic opportunity. The process in a desalination plant Thermal distillation is another way of desalination other than reverse osmosis. It is known as the multi-stage flash distillation. It distillates water by flashing a portion of water into steam in multiple stages and then condense them into portable water. Where do we find desalination plant? In Hong Kong, the Water Supplies Department has two desalination plants which use reverse osmosis. The first one is located in Ap Lei Chau and the other one located in Tuen Mun. The government is also planning to build another desalination plant in Tseung Kwan O. There are 100 countries around the world which uses this technology. Saudi Arabia accounts for 25% of the world’s desalination output, with over 2000 desalination plants around the country. A desalination plant in Saudi Arabia. Apart from the problem of water pollution and water shortage, water crisis itself can also be an opportunity, if we look at it from another perspective. It can raise global awareness and promote international cooperation. Thus it drives globalization. Water crisis is a global issue. It cannot be solved by only the cooperation of a few countries; full cooperation from countries all around the world is required. Therefore, some international cooperation was established in order to help countries joining hands to solve water crisis. One of the examples is the World Water Council. The World Water Council organizes the World Water Forum once every three years. In the forum, representatives from different countries join together and come up with some solutions to solve the water crisis. It includes signing of protocols, reducing pollutants in order to help geographic areas that are facing an immediate water shortage. This can not only help to solve the water crisis, but also create peace among countries. 3) Discussion and Analysis What are the benefits of using â€Å"New Water†instead of local reservoir water? First, it can solve the problem of water shortage. In Singapore, there is not enough water because there are only a few rivers running through this small country, but it is densely populated. Reused water is using the same amount of water many times, so we can have unlimited water source without worrying being used up. Moreover, using â€Å"New Water†can help protecting the environment. Waste water cause water pollution, which can contaminate fresh water source; by using â€Å"New Water†, water can be reused and it will not cause any further pollution. This is beneficial to the environment. Furthermore, â€Å"New Water†can boost tourism. In Singapore, the â€Å"NEw Water†visitors centre is a new attraction. It attracts tourists to visit as it provides opportunities for them to explore Science and learn more about water. Last but not least, â€Å"New Water†can help Singapore to make money, as it can sell this technology to other countries. Some countries, such as, China and Europe has already started using â€Å"New Water†instead, as it is purer than local reservoir water. In conclusion, â€Å"New Water†is alternate solution, which can change water pollution and shortage into a profitable opportunity. Now, let us move on to desalination. Some people think that although desalination may seem to be a solution to our current water crisis, it has certain potential implications that cause harm to our environment. Fossil fuels or nuclear power are used in the majority of desalination plants. The burning of fossil fuels releases a large amount of carbon dioxide into the air. The increase in this disastrous greenhouse gas consequently makes global warming worse. Alternatively, but still, nuclear power is dangerous. The radiation leakage in Japan had spread concerns all over the world. Radiation is carcinogenic. People living near the nuclear power plant had to be relocated. It even made Japanese seafood un-consumable. Besides, the food chain is affected since water and soil is polluted by radiation. Furthermore, membrane-technology is expensive. The production cost of water per meter cube is HK$7.8- HK$8.4. However, the advantages of desalination outweights its costs because it can make water available to areas that have a scarce supply of fresh water. Why Saudi Arabia needs a lot of desalination plant? It is because it is located in a place where there is short supply of water. With desalination, they can change sea water into fresh water. It provides a reliable and sufficient supply of water to the growing communities, which reduces the crisis of water shortage. More people will have a steady supply of water and lives will be saved. People will no longer die from the lackage of water. The costs of human lives are much more important than the costs of desalination. The cost of desalination is only short-term and it can be solved by using renewable energy instead, such as solar energy and wind power. Also, the cost of desalination will be lowered once it is developed and widely used around the world. To sum up, desalination is another effective way to change water crisis into an opportunity. â€Å"A coin has two sides†. Water crisis does not only bring disadvantages, but it is also an opportunity for countries to join together and solve this global issue. This can improve international relationships and bring peace to countries. On the one hand, some people may argue that water crisis would not bring any peace to countries, but instead it brings conflicts and chaos. Some research show that as water crisis is getting more and more serious, water source becomes a weapon, and it may be a threat to other countries. Therefore, if one country is located at the upper course, while the other is located at the lower course, the one at the upper course can control the flow of water. However, the establishments of international organizations help to solve this problem together by promoting the saving of water supply and improvement of technology. This can create communication channels and may help to maintain peace in certain countries. For example, the 6th Water Forum held in Marseille, from 12 to 17 March 2012 was a great success. Participants from over 145 countries join this event. They discuss global water problems together. Through debates and in-depth dialogue, they were able to know more about water crisis and many stakeholders commit that they would try their best to conserve water in order to help the needy. This shows that water crisis can raise global awareness and promote international cooperation. (+ but piecemeal and suggestion) (favourable risk and insight) 4) Conclusion The water crisis does not have to be devastating. Flipside, there are advantages of it on bringing opportunities to communities, the world and to us. In face with the same problem, people unite and untangle the cluttered yarn of puzzle, mystery and problems. Because of the water crisis, people start organizing Water Forums so that opinions all around are synthesized, analyzed and become a grand solution. Working scientists, assisting each other and aiming at the target, invented ways like the New water and desalination of water. ‘Even the darkest night will end. And the sun will rise.’ There is always a solution to a problem. However, we could not just rely on the technology to solve this problem but we should also help conserving water and raise the global awareness. To solve the problem entirely we must start from its roots. Take a shower instead of a bath. Don’t leave the water running when you are brushing your teeth. Switch off any dripping taps. This will also decrease your electricity bill and help to build a greener environment where water is plentiful. If we still consume water at a stage like this, we are exploiting resources from our next generations, which doesn’t make the planet sustainable. With the cooperation of everybody, we strongly believe that water crisis will definitely change into an opportunity and the world would be a better place to live in. 5) Reference and Appendices Asia’s Water Crisis†¦and Opportunity (No.2 2011) Solutions Peak Water: Crisis or Opportunity? (Tuesday, December 1, 2009) Carbon Foresight â€Å"Turning China’s Water Crisis into Investment Opportunity†Market Brief Water August 2009, New Ventures â€Å"Who profiting from the water crisis†, Issue 452, New Internationalist Magazine Singapore National water agency Graphs: Fig1 and 2 How Desalination works Wikipedia Fdu Magazine online 2003 The World water Council â€Å"Solving the World Water Crisis Takes International Cooperation†, Suite101
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Radiation Absorbed Dose From 201 TI Thallous chloride Essay
Radiation Absorbed Dose From 201 TI Thallous chloride - Essay Example Thomas SR, Stabin MG Castronovo FP, Radiation-Absorbed Dose from 201Tl-Thallous Chloride. Journal of Nuclear Medicine Vol. 46 No. 3 502-508. 2005 by Society of Nuclear Medicine. 02-03-06. Radiation dosimetry for 201Tl-thallous chloride has been developed by several authors1. The International Commission on Radiation Protection (ICRP) dose estimates for 201Tl chloride have incorporated values of testicular uptake published by Gupta et al2 and Hosain and Hosain. 1. There is a problem when dosimetry is calculated in this way: the values for testicular uptake at 24h reported by these authors for adults are significantly higher than those reported by other authors e.g., Atkins et al, Krahwinkel et al., Rao et al. 4. Further, the authors estimated the possible contribution to radiation dose from several radioactive contaminants that are often present in 201 Tl preparations, and have evaluated the consequence of administration time relative to preparation. 1. The uptake of 201Tl in the testes after intravenous administration of an isotonic solution is not as high as estimated in some studies, which have formed the basis for recommendation of radiation dosimetry by the ICRP. 2. Since these data have been used to estimate testes radiation dose in children, the corresponding values are also higher; the authors hypothesized that even these values need to be revised downwards. 3. When Thallous chloride is provided as an isotonic solution, the possible contaminants are 200Tl, 202Tl, and 203Pb. With longer shelf life, the contribution of 200Tl decreases whereas that of 202Tl increases. The equipment necessary to perform this research are: (1)Diagnostic exercise myocardial scintigraphy (2)Quantitative testicular scintigraphy (3)Lead vinyl shield (4)201Tl standard vial with saline (5)MIRDOSE
Friday, September 27, 2019
Fences by August Wilson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Fences by August Wilson - Essay Example Upon the analysis and criticism of Wilson’s play, the arguments of Birdwell are evident. Therefore, the assertions of Birdwell are valid according to the nature of events in the Wilson’s play. Some of the fences outlined in the paly are realistic. There are events that manifest real life fences in the play. The realistic fences in this story dominantly manifest defensive features. For instance, Rose requires a fence that engulfs her homestead (Janet, 20). This was a realistic fence that was constructed by Bono and Troy upon a request from Rose. The major purpose of this fence was to defend Rose’s family. Evidently, this fence had a key objective of defense. There is a fence that defines the perimeter of the baseball field. Troy and other playmates maintain the game within the defined confinements (Janet, 35). In this context, the fence plays a defensive role as they prevent interruptions of the game. The real fences are as well evident in mental hospitals. In this case, they play a defensive role as they protect occupants within the hospital. Real fences in the story do not require a deep analysis and evaluation. They are obvious observations in the events of the p lay. They are clearly evidenced in the play. Apart from the real fences, there are metaphorical fences as well. These fences exist in the play to convey certain implications. Therefore, they are not obvious revelations in the story. The identification of these fences requires an analysis and critical response towards the play. In this case, there are diverse events and features of the play that portray existence of fences. Metaphorical fences in this play are dynamic. They manifest both defensive and obstructive roles according to the context they are placed. In this case, the metaphorical fences have a major role of communicating the themes of the play. Upon criticism, the metaphorical fences convey essential themes of the play. Diversity in generations is a manifestation of metaphorical
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Data Protection and Privacy Issues with Social Networking Sites within Dissertation
Data Protection and Privacy Issues with Social Networking Sites within the context of EU Data Protection Legislation - Dissertation Example In view of this contentious issue, this article will present a basic overview of the data protection (DP) legislation as framed by the European Commission, with regard to Social Networking Sites (SNS). It will also discuss some specific DP issues within SNS focusing on the roles and responsibilities of the various actors i.e. the SNS providers, users and regulators. The article will study and review certain sources of concern about user privacy in relation to the functionality/operations of SNS; while taking into account the conflicting needs of SNSs to profit from the personal data of their users, and their legal obligation to protect the privacy of their users, viewed within the context of EU Data Protection Legislation. It will also recommend suitable potential changes to the current EU DPP legislation necessary to fit in with modern and continuously evolving communication methods within the virtual world. 7 1.3Significance of the study 7 2Literature review 9 2.1Emergence of the S NSs and the nature of the information stored in them 9 2.2The concept of information privacy and the subsequent threat to privacy within the Internet (primarily the SNSs) 17 2.3Data protection in the context of EU Data Protection Legislation 24 3Analysis 32 4Methodology 41 5Conclusion 43 6Recommendations 44 Bibliography 46 Applause Store Prod. Ltd. vs. Raphael, [2008] EWHC 1781 (QB). 46 Boyd, D., and Ellison, N. 2007. Social network sites: De?nition, history, and scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1):210–230. 47 Brown, I., Edwards, L., and Marsden, C. Staking 2.0: privacy protection in a leading social networking site, Retrieved from, 47 Burns, E., 2007. Marketing to Social Networking Sites, Targeted. ClikZ, retrieved from 48 Bygrave, L. 2001. Minding the machine: Article 15 of the EC Data Protection Directive and Automated Profiling. Computer Law & Security Report, No. 17, 17-24. 48 OfCom. August 2010. Consumers spend almost half of their waking hour s using media and communications. Retrieved from 53 Abstract Various observations have revealed that in the modern 21st century the various social networking sites (SNSs) on the Internet have become immensely popular, forming an important part in the life of many of the users. The SNSs form a platform where the users create various types of networks to forge social relationships. While forming relationships on such platforms, the users often share a good deal of personal information, ignoring or underestimating the potential risk from such information sharing. As for example, the uploaded personal information of a user may reach more people than actually intended. Often the anonymity and the lack of formal guidelines allow users to post information about other users without any prior permission. Often unawareness and a lack of experience, and furthermore the composition of the SNSs, work towards exacerbating the situation. Recently many of the well-known social networking sites have faced severe criticism for inadequate data protection and privacy accorded to its users. This paper aims to give an insight into the various privacy issues and risks related to the SNSs, in the context of EU Data Protection Legislation, while it also aims to study the matter in order to seek certain workable solutions as regards this problem. Data Protection and Privacy Issues with Social Networking
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
British Invasion and the Folk Revival Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
British Invasion and the Folk Revival - Essay Example As it may be, the most significant reason of this onslaught proves to be the decline of the power of American music during the era of the 1960s. The American rock ‘n’ roll was already facing a steady downfall in caliber and quality since the major record companies, supported and abetted by few of the top outlets of the time disregarded the music type.  Major radio channels also betrayed it and considered releasing other products over it, which further deteriorated the condition of American rock ’n’ roll. The area of authority in pop music enjoyed by teen idols like Fabian and Frankie Avalon had directed numerous youth to commercial folk and jazz. While an ostensibly everlasting stream of modernity songs and dance crazes added up to be a failed attempt at developing a durable core following for rock ‘n’ roll. (Gillett 32)  The Beatles played an important and significant role in the American music history and it’s difficult to think of the British invasion taking place without them. An abundant number of bands sailed along to the top standards of American charts, did not prove to possess more talent than the uninspiring teen idols they had taken place of. However, the Beatles demonstrated to be an exceptional case. They were talented and were admired by the critics as well as the crowd. Beatles, after a short period of time producing American r & b-pop, and country music carried on to compose rock classics. Their new taste and production turned out to be extremely admirable, which was destined to be carried through many generations to come. Performing in small clubs in England and Germany trained all the Beatles band members to be excellent musicians. There artistic quality and equally convincing vocals helped them promote their talent and achieve success. Â
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Child sex trafficking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Child sex trafficking - Essay Example In this essay, the current activities of the United States’ government to address child sex trafficking are analyzed and discussed. The essay also provides some policy recommendations, in the form of ideas and suggestions on how to reduce the prevalence of child sex trafficking in the United States of America. Child sex trafficking is prevalent, not only in the United States of America, but also across the world because children are particularly prone to human trafficking. 27% of the global trafficking victims are children (Siskin & Wyler, 2013). These children have been exploited sexually in the commercial sex industry or as sex slaves. Women and child sex trafficking is so prevalent in the world that the United Nations Organization, through its Sectary General, Kofi Annan, termed the trafficking of women and children for sexual exploitation as an international plague (Phinney, 2013). This crime is more prevalent in Eastern Europe and Asia, but evidence shows that women and child sex trafficking is a significant problem in America. It is associated with abuse of human rights (Phinney, 2013). Child sex trafficking involves the ‘purchase’ of a person. Later, the ‘purchased’ person is forced to engage in sexual acts for the economic benefit of the trafficker. Child sex traffickers capitalize on poor and the illiterate children. It should be noted that in most cases, child sex trafficking victims lack escape means, forcing them to remain in torture for so long. Victims of sex trafficking in the United States are overlooked. Authorities interpret that these victims are deviant and prostitutes (Brooks, 2011). Very many women and children are trafficked into the United States each year. The precise number of human trafficking victims is not yet known because the figures provided are not absolute, but mere estimates. This means that the figures could be much higher than what is reported. For instance, more than 800,000
Monday, September 23, 2019
Summary and critical analysis of journal article Essay
Summary and critical analysis of journal article - Essay Example The tourists have direct contact with the tourist Guide .The tourist Guides assures those who hesitate to walk on the grave could always avoid it. In Savannah the dead were buried beyond the city limits, there the tour begins, the tourists have got chance to know about the dead people; Halloween company is good for ghost walk tour. In Savannah they have created different type of tourism where people come know the economy, geography and sociological importance." As different tourist attractions and cities increasingly compete with each other to attract tourists, the need to present the tourists with more spectacular, exotic, and titillating attractions increases."(Gotham 2002, 1737) Savannah has invested heavily into ghost tourism development and the use of murder, tragedy, and mystery as marketing tools. Ghost walk tours are an increasingly popular alternative to traditional tourism activities. These tourists companies appoint guides who take them by walk through sections of a city, telling stories of supernatural and macabre events believed to have occurred at sites along the way. According to internet information there are hundreds of tour are available both in urban and rural settings of the United States and in a variety of countries. "The Dark Tourism" with the new title doing very good business tourism where they are able to attract many people taking them to cemeteries, prisons, roman catacombs, castle dungeons, battlefields, sites of assassination, and museums that focus as the Holocaust(miles 2002; Ingles and Holmes 2003; strange and Kemp 2003).The tourists able to find out tragic aspect of history. Ghost walk tours offers firstly, it is different from the normal tourism; here the tourists have entertainment, fun and education. The tragedies are presented in a light hearted manner. Secondly it is geographically dynamic where wide number of people participates in performances without any differences culturally socially.According to Tuan Walking through the place involves sensory interaction with a location, helping to develop a more complete sense of place. It gives better experience than going by bus or car travel alone. One can explore the ever- changing nature of the urban landscape, street scene and liste ning to another's narrative. There are two type of tourism one is Enclave and heterogeneous. The former gives less space and time, it influence tourist performances through signs, imagery, rules, and actions of destination employees, locals and other tourists. In this tourists might want to explore the dark side of the tour (unseen) which is not
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Film and Popular Cinema Essay Example for Free
Film and Popular Cinema Essay After reading this week’s assignment and researching different types of film and popular cinema, I have realized some of the differences between the two. I always thought they were the same thing but found that to be far from the truth. Film is a way of putting art into motion. I viewed several pieces on different websites, in particular, on YouTube. I watched one called White Noise. It had no plot or storyline, but showed very interesting art concepts and pieces. Many artists made work addressing social, sexual and racial issues, renewing links with what survived of the ‘community video’ movement of the 1970s. By 1990 video installations had featured in several large international exhibitions and were a familiar presence in galleries and museums, assuming fresh authority through the work of such artists as Gary Hill and Marie-Jo Lafontaine. Read more: Philippine Cinema Analysis Essay Artists making single-screen work exhibited increasingly on television, and the medium of video was merging with that of the computer. Film, no longer novel nor wholly dependent on a gallery context, had become part of an increasingly elaborate network of electronic communication (Mick Hartney, 2009). Popular cinema is designed around selling tickets and making money at the expense of catering to the demands of global audiences. An example of popular cinema is any of the Twilight movies. They are movies produced from the novels written by Stephanie Meyer. The first movie was a huge success, making audience demand for a sequel a high priority of the producers and distribution companies. The same result came of the sequel and they made the third. Originally, the deal was to make a movie for each book, but if the movies did not succeed in the box office the projects would have been terminated. As, a matter of fact, it is so successful that the last movie based on the last book has been split in half to make two more subsequent movies instead of one. I find myself appreciating both of these forms of art. I have opened up when it comes to the appreciation of art because I have learned the subtle, and some not so subtle differences between different art forms. References Hartney, M. (2009). Video Art. Retrieved from Sayre, H. M. (2010). A World of Art (6th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Causes and Spread of Infection Essay Example for Free
Causes and Spread of Infection Essay 1. Understand the causes of infection. 1.1 Identify the differences between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Bacteria – a single cell micro-organism that gets its nutrition from its surroundings and can only be seen under a microscope. Viruses are disease producing agents far smaller than bacteria. They are enclosed in a protein coating which makes them more difficult to destroy. Fungi – are included in the plant kingdom but are quite different from green plants. The basic unit of a fungus is a hypha which is a hollow tube. The hyphal threads spread out over and into the food material making a visible mesh or mycelium. Some fungi mass together to create toadstools. They spread by releasing spores into the environment. Parasites – an organism that feeds and is dependant of its host. 1.2 Identify common illnesses and infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Bacteria – Lyme disease, Tuberculosis, tetanus, MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus) Viruses – polio, Norovirus, common cold, flu, chicken pox Fungi – tinea pinus, athletes foot, oral thush Paracites- worms, ticks, lice, mites 1.3 Describe what is meant by ‘infection’ and ‘colonisation’. Infection – is a invasion of a host organisms bodily tissues by a disease causing organism. Colonisation – occurs when any one or more species populate a specific area. 1.4 Explain what is meant by ‘systemic infection’ and ‘localised infection’. Systemic infection – affects a number of organs or tissues or affects the whole body e.g. type 2 diabetes, aids and hyper tension. Localised infection – confined to one organ system or area in the body e.g. absess, boil, sprain. 1.5 Identify poor practices that may lead to the spread of infection. Not wearing personal protective equipment such as disposable gloves, disposable aprons, washing hands and disposing of clinical waste in the correct way. 2. Understand the transmission of infection. 2.1 Explain the conditions needed for the growth of micro-organisms. * Psychrophiles grow below temperatures of 20Â °c * Thermophiles grow above temperatures of 45Â °c * Oxygen, pathogens vary in their oxygen requirements * Food * Most foods naturally contain suffucant moisture to provide bacteria with the water they need in order to grow 2.2 Explain the ways an infective agent might enter the body. * food/drink * natural orifices * inhalation * ingestion * inoculation 2.3 Identify common sources of infection. Droplets produced by coughing or sneezing, in air and dust, in water/food, carried by animals and insects. 2.4 Explain how infective agents can be transmitted to a person. * food/drink * air/dust * touching contaminated items * cross contamination * direct (person to person) * animals and insects 2.5 Identify the key factors that will make it more likely that infection will occur. * Open wounds/sores * Vulnerability/low immunity (children, babies, elderly) * People already suffering from health problems * Stress (suppression of immune system) * Poor practice and infection control
Friday, September 20, 2019
Approaches to a child with fast breathing
Approaches to a child with fast breathing APPROACH TO A CHILD WITH FAST BREATHING Fast breathing is the most common presentation in children visiting a hospital emergency. These children have the respiratory rate more than the normal upper limit for that age group; (see table 1), with or without increased work of breathing in the form of chest indrawing, nasal flaring and head nodding. It may also be associated with stridor or wheeze suggestive of upper and lower airway obstruction respectively. There is a need of urgent assessment of airway patency and breathing when a child with fast breathing is first evaluated. Stabilization of vital parameters may require intubation, oronasal suctioning, use of oxygen by hood/nasal prongs, intravenous fluid boluses, correction of hypoglycaemia, nebulization with bronchodilator, intercostal tube drainage, correction of hyperthermia/ hypothermia etc. Such initial treatment coupled with a thorough history, physical examination and relevant investigations, is followed by establishing a provisional diagnosis and instituting approp riate empirical treatment in the emergency ward itself. Table 1: The upper limits of respiratory rate defined by the WHO Etiology of fast breathing: Fast breathing may not always result from a lung disease. It may be physiological e.g., exercise induced, or pathological due to pulmonary or non-pulmonary causes (table 2) Table 2: Causes of fast breathing in children Clinical Features: A child with fast breathing be may have increased work of breathing (suggested by use of accessory muscles), cyanosis and lethargy or altered sensorium. Alteration in sensorium (in the form of irritability, agitation, lethargy or coma) indicates brain hypoxia and is one of the earliest indicators of impending respiratory failure. While fast breathing is commonly associated with respiratory diseases, it may also occur with fever, crying or metabolic acidosis. However, normal or decreased respiratory rate may be more ominous if it is associated with severe retractions (paradoxical breathing), cyanosis, grunting or altered sensorium. Central cyanosis is a late sign but may not be detected in presence of severe pallor (low Hb) and dark skin colour. Stridor is a harsh inspiratory sound that indicates upper airway obstruction. Grunt is a loud noise produced by a forceful expiration against a closed glottis. Grunt and wheeze (a musical sound) are suggestive of lower airway obstruction. A complete history should reveal the onset, duration, progression of dyspnea, the aggravating and relieving factors as well as the associated symptoms like fever, cough, sore throat, chest pain, choking episodes, accidental ingestion of poisons etc. (table 3) Table 3: Symptom based diagnostic clues Clinical pearls: Investigations: Laboratory investigations help to confirm the diagnosis but the immediate management of a patient should not be delayed pending the reports of the investigations. Use of non-invasive devices such as pulse oximeter and ET CO2 detector (fitted in the ventilator) lessen the need for repeated invasive tests for monitoring of the child. Table 4 shows the relevant investigations to ascertain the cause of respiratory distress in a child. Table 4: Laboratory investiagations Treatment: The management of a child with fast breathing includes supportive treatment in the form of stabilization of vital parameters i.e. temperature, airway, breathing and circulation followed by definitive treatment by instituting appropriate respiratory support, antibiotics, chest tube drainage, decongestive measures etc. Acute onset of fast breathing, esp following choking, and stridor indicate foreign body, and warrants prompt bronchoscopic search and removal of foreign body. Algorithmic approach to management of fast breathing: Conclusion: It is essential to promptly triage children with impending respiratory failure and quickly institute supportive management, simultaneously searching for the etiology and planning a definitive treatment. The above mentioned approach will improve the outcome of children, especially the under-five ones, in whom respiratory infections contribute to the highest number of mortalities. Suggested reading: Kilham H, Gillis J, Benjamin B. Severe upper airway obstruction. Pediatr Clin North Am 1987; 34: 1–14. Mathew JL, Singhi SC. Approach to a child with breathing difficulty. Indian J Pediatr 2011 Sep;78(9):1118-26. Fallot A. Respiratory distress. Pediatr Ann. 2005;34:885–91. Singh V, Tiwari S. Respiratory problems. In: Gupta P,editor. Textbook of Pediatrics, editition 1. India: CBS publishers;2013, pp 335-368.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
White-Collar Crime in South Africa Essay -- financial crimes, corruptio
It would be nearly impossible to find a South African who has not been affected by crime in one way or another. â€Å"White-collar crime,†a term first used by Edwin Sutherland in 1939, describes crime that is non-violent, but for the purpose of personal financial gain. This type of crime, including fraud and corruption, is becoming a greater problem in South Africa every year, and it is negatively affecting the country as a whole. Although they are not violent, fraud and corruption cause as much harm as any other types of crime, and a great effort must be made soon to stop them. All over the world, financial crimes are wreaking havoc. People have been scamming others, taking bribes, and doing other greedy things forever. It’s human nature, but in today’s society, it’s unacceptable. In just one fiscal year (2012/2013), the South African government’s Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) recovered over 1.1 billion rand from the illicit economy. This money came from the proceeds of fraud, money laundering, tax evasion, corruption, and other financial crimes. One billion rand may seem like a lot, and its recovery is a great achievement, but that is only a fraction of what was lost. No one knows how much wasn’t recovered, but it’s safe to guess that it’s in the billions It is not easy to detect fraud, and criminals have been getting away with it for decades. With the birth of the internet, it has become even easier to scam people, communicate with other criminals all over the world, and hide your profits. It wasn’t until 2008 that South Africa created their Financial Intelligence Centre to help combat white-collar crimes. Most financial crime in South Africa is international, so the FIC collaborates with global organizations like the Fin... ...rime. â€Å"Corruption Watch. Defining the real meaning of corruption.†Sunday Times, The (Johannesburg, South Africa), February 3, 2013. Accessed March 2, 2014. â€Å"Countries.†Financial Action Task Force. Accessed February 27, 2014. â€Å"Jordan, South Africa and Tunisia join the movement.†Transparency International. Last modified December 18, 2013. Accessed March 1, 2014. â€Å"South Africa Country Profile.†Business Anti-Corruption Portal. Accessed March 1, 2014.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
photography after 1917 :: essays research papers
Analysis of a photography after 1917. AUBREY BODINE. â€Å"BUILDERS IN LINE†. (1961) Aubrey Bodine's photographic career began in 1923 when as an office boy with the Baltimore Sun he was a newspaperman covering all sorts of stories with his camera so this gave him opportunities to travel throughout the region and learn about it in every tide, wind, weather and season and out of this experience came amazing pictures of farming, oystering, hunting, soap boiling, blacksmithing, clock making, bricklaying and dozens of other occupations he a true American original, combined reportage with the creative eye of an artist. Bodine believed that photography could be a creative discipline, and he studied the principles of art, the camera and the dark room equipment were tools to him like the painter's brush or the sculptor's chisel. He was always experimenting with his tools, but hardly ever made a mistake. Some of his best pictures were literally composed in the viewfinder of the camera. In other cases he worked on the negative with dyes and intensifiers, pencil marking, and ev en scraping to produce the effect he had in mind. He added clouds photographically, and made other even more elaborate manipulations. Bodine's rationale for all these technical alterations of the natural scene was simply that, like the painter, he worked from the model and selected those features which suited his sense of mood, proportion and design. The picture was the thing, not the manner of arriving at it. He did not take a picture, he made a picture. Bodine's work includes pictorialist images as well as "straight" story-telling photojournalism and are also creative works of great originality. From his photographs I choose the image named â€Å"Builders in Line†, a a perfectly balanced image bathed in natural light. a captured moment of history that intrigue me, amaze me, and makes me want to discover the way he could get such a piece of art. It is a construction or a structure being built and he captured the moment in which two builders are walking trough and even though the image of them is far I can almost see their faces walking so tired like robots just doing their job. This high-gloss, high-contrast print reminds me like a typical day in a builder life. He made an amazing use of light and darkness and that way he balanced the composition between the structure that we can
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Eating Fast Food Essay
The life style in these days has been change regarding the way that people eat. In this modern time, eating fast food becomes a daily habit that people really enjoy to eat. McDonald’s, Burger king, Pizza Hut and Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) are just examples of the most well-known fast food restaurants in the whole wide world. There are many advantageous and disadvantageous of fast food. The advantages of fast food is time saving. As some busy customers arrive home from after work or study, they would not want to wait for a large amount of time to get their hands on some food. Fast food restaurants are located nearly everywhere, providing customers with simple meals without the need to spend time travelling far distances just to purchase food. This also means the customer does not have to spend a large amount of time inside and outside the kitchen gathering ingredients and trying preparing for a single meal, meaning time required for kitchen cleaning is also not required. Additionally, fast food are always prepared at fast speed, meaning the customer does not need to wait for a long time for their order. It is also cheaper to buy combos at fast food branches than to buy a set meal from normal restaurants. However, this can easily lead to customer eating excessive fast food. Next, the disadvantages of fast food it is health concern. Fast food are generally fatty food made with excessive oil and additives such as salt and sugar, meaning a large amount of calorie is present. When customers consumed too much fast food they might become obese and develop diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes, and heart related symptoms due to high cholesterol from excessive fat. Customers may also consume excessive fast food because it is cheap to buy in large quantity. Research has been done proving it is more likely for people living near fast food branches to become obese. see more:topic on junk food Many young people today suffer from obesity because of eating too much fast food. Breakfast on fries, burger and nuggets all meant a greater risk of obesity and it can increase the chance of obesity by 50%. Most young people eat fast food as their breakfast and daily meals. This increases obesity risk because of fast food. The process of preparing the fast food using fat deep frying makes the food becomes oily. KFC and McDonald fast food restaurants also use the cycle oil because they want oil steel the high temperature cooking need to fast frying. Furthermore, cooking oil contains cholesterol fats which are bad for your heart because these substances can clog your arteries. In addition, the fast food ingredients have low nutrient values such as low quality carbohydrates and high level of saturated fat. When some people have obesity, they always fast tired, lazy to do any work and the antibodies are low. Fast food and obesity is related with each other because fast food has high c alorie density such as hamburger and cheese. Other than that, eating a lot of fast food can also cause diabetes. Diabetes is a major public health problem in Malaysia. Some people get diabetes because they eat more food which contains a lot of sugar especially desert such as ice-cream which it can get in a set of serve such as McDonald. This food has high sugar level and can cause increased glucose in blood from normal. Subsequently, they always drink Coke and Pepsi which is could be the cause of diabetes. It because in the drink there is a lot of sugar. Eating a lot of food that contains high carbohydrates such as bun and rice can cause diabetes. The high carbohydrates content in bun and rice may cause our bodies inability to produce the amount of insulin needed to deal with the level of sugar produced after a meal. It may lead to increased sugar level and block arteries. All in all, choosing fast food for our meals regularly is not a smart choice as all the effect can makes suffer. We need to practice healthier diet by avoiding fast food and eating more home cooked meals. Fast food is more harmful than healthy, but if we eat it not very often, it will not damage our health. So, we should be more careful in choosing the right type of food. You can take time to practice healthy lifestyle, make choices for healthy eating that do not have to include avoiding fast food all of the time.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Criminology and victimology Essay
Criminology Law & Legal Definition Criminology is defined as the scientific study of crime, criminal behavior and law enforcement. Criminology studies crime, how society responds to crimes and how crime can be prevented. Criminology examines the psychological, hereditary and environmental causes of crime. It also examines the modes of criminal investigation and conviction. The study also analyses the effectiveness of punishment or correction methods as compared with forms of treatment or rehabilitation. In short it is the scientific study of the non-legal aspects of crime, including its causes and prevention. A very famous deflation of criminology is as follows: â€Å"the study of the making of laws, the breaking of laws, and reactions to the breaking of laws. †Criminology Law & Legal Definition Criminology is defined as the scientific study of crime, criminal behavior and law methods as compared with forms of treatment or rehabilitation, In short it Is the A very famous definition of criminology is as follows: â€Å"the study of the making of laws, the breaking of laws. And reactions to the breaking of laws. †the breaking of laws, and reactions to the breaking of laws. †Criminology Is defined as the scientific study of crime, criminal behavior and law
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Kyoto protocol 1997
The United Nations framework convention on climate change, devised the international agreement termed as Kyoto Protocol, in order to work towards preserving the environment. The protocol was aimed at diminuating the intensity of six major greenhouse gases namely carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexafluoride, hydro fluorocarbons, and perfluorocarbons. What is this International Agreement? Global warming intimidates the very existence of all life forms on earth. The emanations of the aforementioned six gases contribute considerable to the thinning of the ozone layer, the consequences of which can be summed up in the rising of the sea levels, melting of snow caps, floods and droughts. By 1990 the ratio of these emissions had risen by a considerable amount, as substantiated in the report published by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). The report called for urgent actions to curb the threat of climatic alteration. Thus, at the United Nations Conference of Environment and Development, the birth of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change took place. The decisive objective of the meeting was: â€Å"Stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. †(UNFCCC, Article 2, 2008). Furthermore, the agreement also encouraged achieving the change in a limited time span, so as to avoid an economic standstill by allowing the eco-system to align with the change in the atmosphere. The concurrence focused primarily on the industrialized nations, termed under Annex 1 as the major producers of the greenhouse gas emanations and thus the prime participators of the protocol. It is mentioned in the protocol that the achievement of the reduction in emissions is to be performed principally through nationwide procedures. However, in order to counter the criticisms with regards to the economic melt down that might result through the adherence to this protocol, the agreement also mentions three souk based methods: (a)Emissions trading; (b)Clean development mechanism; (c)Joint implementation. The protocol also asserts that the countries establish a monitoring body responsible to formulating reports regarding the greenhouse gas emanations and the trade carried out. This is achieved through: (a) Registry system; (b) Compliance system; (c) Reporting system. Another objective of the protocol is to help countries adapt to the changing climatic conditions and its adverse effects. Therefore, an Adaption Fund was also formulated under this protocol to sponsor adaption schemes and programmes to the developing countries that are signatories to the protocol. The protocol encourages countries to align their policies to the targets of the Kyoto Protocol, in order to curb the looming threat. The IPCC has forecasted an overall augment in global temperature to 5. Degree Celsius (UNEP, 2001). Therefore, developing countries are required under this protocol to device measures for absorption of the greenhouse gases. The protocol has been approved by 183 parties, including Japan, China, Italy, Spain, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Russia, a country accounting for 17% of the greenhouse gas emanations (Kyoto Protocol: Status of Ratification, 2008) The fulfill ment of the agreement is considered crucial, for the changing climatic conditions are causing more harm than good for the eco-system. Why this Agreement is Important: Keeping in view the drastic change in the climatic condition and its consequences, it was vital for the global community to advance towards such a step intended at diminishing the greenhouse gas emanation. Inter governmental panel on climate change has forecasted an average increase of global temperature from 1. 4 degree Celsius to 5. 8 degree Celsius (UNEP, 2001). While this increase may appear trivial, yet it contributes greatly to the rising of sea levels, melting of snow caps and these drastic changes themselves affect the production of food and leads to droughts and famines as well as floods. Under such circumstances it was vital to put forth an agreement that was legally binding on the countries that were the greatest benefactors of the greenhouse gasses. This global warming is a result of 150 years of rigorous industrial development. Smoldering of fossil fuels has penetrated the ozone layer, which was acting as a filter for the living creatures from the damaging consequences of sunlight. The excessive access given to the ultra violent radiations is harming the eco-system, which is not just confined to the melting of the ice caps in Atlanta but also the extinction of animal and plant species, due to the destruction of their habitat. While the melting of ice caps is causing floods, the extinction of animals is resulting in direly affecting the food cycle; the results of which are not just felt by the wild life but also the human beings. The extinction can also lead to the extinction of human beings, if the situation is not controlled. Therefore, it was vital for the international community to join hands and take steps for the conservation of the atmosphere. In this regards, the Kyoto protocol serves as a plausible tool. Industrial growth will be useless if people can not benefit from it; if people can not live enough to take its benefits. Increase in pollution etc has direly affected the living conditions of people. While the developed nations are enjoying the benefits of a strong economy, the developing countries are undergoing the effects which are resulting in deteriorating the state of those countries. Third world countries already having been victimized by poverty, unemployment, civil disobedience also have to suffer the influence of the changing climatic conditions. Mostly third world countries have agro-based economies. The phenomenon of global warming has become an enemy to their crops, those crops that constitute their largest amount of export. As a result, third world countries have to import more than they can export leaving them under a heavy financial burden. Michael Grubb et al 1999) This shows that the affects of global warming, that took birth due to the extensive industrial growth of 150 years have aided greatly in crippling the already crippled economy of third world countries and in fact has produced more problems for them than they can handle. Even for the developed countries, the climatic changes have posed big problems. Thus, under such circumstances, it was pivotal for the United Nations to come up with a solution to curb these problems. The Kyoto protocol is binding on all its members and such a legally binding agreement that fathomed the harmful affects of global warming marks one of the very important agreements produced. Through this agreement, countries, by law, are supposed to work on towards reducing their greenhouse gas emanations, working for the global good. Important parties of the Agreement: Even though the protocol has a total of 183 parties to date, the most important ones include United Kingdom and European Union. Russia and U. S. A are the largest creators of greenhouse gas emissions. Out of the 2, Russia has ratified the treaty while the U. S. A has not. Back when the protocol had to be approved around 55% of the votes were required (Kyoto Protocol: Article 25), out of which a vote of either U. S. A or Russia was crucial. Russia thus ratified the agreement and helped put it in to effect. The United States had ratified the agreement, yet U. S. A declined, refusing to adhere to the Annex 1 and Annex 2 countries, by putting forth the argument that India and China are also potential greenhouse gas producers. Furthermore, it is stated that the agreement poses a threat to their economy. U. S. A has neither accepted nor rejected the agreement even though it is a signatory. However, on state level a program has been initiated entitled, â€Å"Regional greenhouse gas initiative†(Regional greenhouse gas initiative, 2006). The following states are participants Maine, New York, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland, representing around 46 million people. Around 80 cities from 50 states are working towards ratifying the Kyoto Protocol (Mayor’s Climate protection centre, 2008). Attempts at convincing the government are also being carried out at student level, as students have initiated a movement as well termed as Kyoto Now. One of the major supporters of the protocol is the European Union. The EU produces around 22% of the worldwide greenhouse gas production and is now committed to reducing the greenhouse gas production (Energy policy of the European Union, 2002). Denmark, for example, is alone working towards decreasing 21% of its greenhouse gas emanations. In fact, the European commissions back in 2007 announced the formation of a European Union Energy Policy which incorporated a 20% cutback in greenhouse gas emissions. By 2020 The EU has also placed fine on countries failing to adhere to the reduction target. The European Union has been an ardent supporter of the Kyoto Protocol and is working towards negotiating with other hard-to-convince nations. (Michael Grubb et al 1999) The United Kingdom is also a strong supporter of the Kyoto Protocol. Its energy policy fully supports descend in carbon dioxide production. While the United Kingdom has reduced a considerable amount of greenhouse gas reduction yet it needs to work on towards cutting back on the increase in the net carbon dioxide emanations. A draft by the name of Climate Change Bill was in print, which advocated the reduction of 60%, with a beginner’s target of 26% to 32%, of the carbon dioxide levels (Department for environment, food and rural affairs, 2007). If this bill is approved, the United Kingdom will emerge as the first country to integrate such a strong target in to the energy policy, rather the law. Result of the Agreement: The Kyoto protocol has earned both positive and negative comments. While its advocates consider the agreement to be a historical step towards curbing the threat of global warming caused due to human activities. Critics argue that the protocol would just result in a 5% decrease in global greenhouse gas production and that this is not a considerable amount of reduction. As quoted by inter governmental panel on climate change, a decrease of 50-60% is required otherwise the world will face a global increase of 3 degree Celsius in its temperature. Thus, critics argue that the targets set by the UNFCCC are inadequate. (Michael Grubb et al 1999) Another argument put forth by the opposition of the agreement is that, not all countries are participating in this agreement. For example, U. S. A one of the worlds largest creator of greenhouse gas emanation, has not ratified the treaty. Furthermore, china is termed under Annex 2 of developing countries even though it is the second biggest producer of these emissions. India is also included in the same list while the production of the greenhouse gases exceeds even those of the industrialized nations. Therefore, critics argue that with such a limited participation from countries, the Kyoto protocol can not be counted up on to achieve the reduction in greenhouse gases to curb the threats of global warming. While the protocol might be considered a first step towards addressing this problem, it does not according to the opposition present a clear cut and effective framework that can be counted up on to curb the problem. Economic constraints have also been addressed by both the proposition and the opposition of the agreement. Critics argue that the protocol would do more harm than good. The argument put forth is that countries would have a negative impact on their economy for different companies would be required to come up with new, climate-friendly technologies and solutions and the cost of these technologies might force some companies to shut down. Another argument brought in to the limelight is that due to the protocol the tax payers and customers would have to pay a higher amount of tax in order to aid the government in working towards the reduction of greenhouse gases for example the assertion of strict rules. Furthermore, it is argued that the nationals of the developed countries might be forced to spend more and might be forced to practice a superior standard of living. However, it must be noticed that the protocol does provide cures for short-term economic problems. The instruments of Emissions trading, Joint implementation, and clean development advocate the cause of the protocol yet also allow countries not to experience a considerable amount of change in their economy abruptly. Countries can take up their time revolutionizing their existing sector while working for the benefit of the global community by reducing emissions alongside. Furthermore, those markets that work with collaboration and work towards producing environment friendly products and services will adjust quickly to the new economic environment and in the long run would be a lot more successful. However, besides all these arguments no one can refute the important step taken back in 1997 in Brazil with regards to the imminent threat of global warming. While the Kyoto protocol may not be right on path to assemble the targets of diminishing greenhouse gas emanation, it is still on track. The fulfillment of this protocol, specifically by the developed countries mentioned in Annex 1 would advocate other such steps to be taken under stricter conditions. Also, nations by proving themselves capable of having reduced their greenhouse gas emissions can work towards conferring with developing countries to lend a helping hand in curbing this global threat. By commencing the journey with achievable and small goals, the global community can work towards achieving larger targets. Even if the countries that have ratified the agreement staunchly follow the route to reducing the greenhouse gases, change can be achieved. Efforts at national level will act as a catalyst for change. Thus, it would be highly unfair to deny the significance of the Kyoto protocol, for it is a bold first step taken towards preserving the environment. What can serve as another plausible technique for reducing those harmful emissions is by switching over to renewable resources and minimizing the usage of fossil fuels. The smoldering of fossil fuels produces harmful pollutants in to the atmosphere. These by products can stay mortal in to the atmosphere and along with affecting the ozone also affect the respiratory organs of the human beings, resulting in causing fatal asthma attacks. From land mining to burning of coal in a coal mine to oil spills, the impact on the atmosphere have proved to be fatal in the past. Thus, in order to combat climate change the first step countries should take is the substitution of fossil fuels with renewable sources of energy. Also, by increasing the green belts in the world, we can work towards saving the environment. Deforestation has a highly negative impact on the environment as well as the climate. The effects of deforestation include soil erosion, temperature extremes, increase in deserts; all contributing greatly to the observable fact of global warming. Therefore it is crucial that deforestation be stopped. Of course ceasing deforestation is not the only solution. Reforestation should be encouraged. This is an act that can be carried out at individual level as well thus governments should try and engrave the importance of a substantial green belt in helping limit the phenomenon of global warming and working towards a safe environment. â€Å"We must no longer think of human progress as a matter of imposing ourselves on the natural environment. The world–the climate and all living things– is a closed system; what we do has consequences that eventually will come back to affect us. †(Woods Hole Research Center, 2008)
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Essay Dramatistic Analysis on Breaking Bad Essay
Cady is going to encounter psychological struggle and unwritten social rules that teenage girls face today. Through the Marxist perspective, the movie will be analyzed in order to show how sometimes the pull to conform to hegemony is so important that we have no choice that letting us be dragged to respect the established hierarchy. Mean Girls is an excellent artifact, worthy of investigation in the way that it shows how we expect teenage girls to act, but also how difficult it is for them to refrain from acting that way. When using the Marxist perspective, we begin by identifying the subject positions, as models or anti-models. Mean Girls provides clear subject positions about the models – characters that viewers are encouraged to want to be like, and the anti-models – characters that viewers are encouraged to no want to be like. Thus, the models appear to be â€Å"The Plastics†, a group composed of the three teenage girls Regina George, Gretchen Wieners and Karen Smith. By analyzing â€Å"The Plastics†, it seems like teenage girls need to follow a specific pattern in order to be popular. That is to say, on a physical standpoint, teenage girls need to be thin, pretty, and wear tight and revealing clothes, while on a behavioral standpoint, they spend their time gossiping, partying, dating, and talking about boys, rather than focusing on their academic success. On top of the hierarchy is Regina George, and the two other â€Å"Plastics†are her subordinate. On the contrary, the anti-models, challenging the status quo and considered as abnormal or undesirable are represented by Janice and Damien. Both of them are belonging to the oppressed group, or the group that is considered as â€Å"inferior†and â€Å"subordinate†to the dominant group. Mean Girls depicts how easy it is for a dominant group (â€Å"The Plastics†) to impose its ideology on other groups. The interests of the empowered group are then promoting as being natural. Indeed, in Mean Girls, the dominant social group keeps the control over the other groups because nobody dares challenging the authority claimed by â€Å"The Plastic†. â€Å"The Plastics†keep their status quo by oppressing and manipulating the other subordinate groups. They dictate how things should be. The positive power of popularity combined with the negative disempowerment of being unpopular and rejected ultimately reinforces hegemony. That is to say, those who are popular are empowered even if popularity is just a facade for these teenage girls, and those who are not popular are disempowered. By focusing on Cady Heron, and observing how from an innocent teenage girl, she becomes a terrible â€Å"Plastic†, we can deduce that once accepted by the dominant group, people have trouble in seeing the flaws and drawbacks of the hegemony they are in. In order for them to be aware of it, they have to become a member of the subordinate group. Only the anti-models characters are able to see how wrong is the hierarchy they live in, and are willing to change it in order to create a more equal system. Mean Girls proposed both a preferred and an oppositional view on the hegemony. Indeed, from the beginning to the middle of the movie, Mean Girls brings a preferred reading with Cady altering her original beliefs, joining the dominant group and becoming a â€Å"Plastic†. Cady’s desire to respect conformity can be explained by a need to fit in and avoid ridicule. As a consequence, the viewers, siding with her, support the status quo. On the other hand, from the middle to the end of the movie, Mean Girls gives an oppositional reading by considering that â€Å"The Plastics†ought not to be empowered, in order to have a more equal system. Indeed, by the middle of the movie, Cady understands that her destructive behavior made her loose her two closest friends (Janice and Damien). She also realizes she needs to stop acting like a â€Å"Plastic†and to categorize people according to superficial traits, and that she should start considering people according to different characteristics (intelligence over beauty for example). As a consequence, Cady, desirous of putting things right, starts to think how she could readjust the hegemony around her. Thus, she considers destroying the hegemony reigning at school in order to challenge the status quo. At that time, the movie gives the viewers an oppositional reading rejecting the hegemony. In spite of the casualty and frivolity of the topic addressed (teenage girls movie), Mean Girls is still interesting to study because it gives us some interesting and engaging acumen into Marxist perspective and hegemony. Mean Girls shows us how hard it is to resist hegemony when everyone else is subjected to it. Mean Girls also makes viewers being more critical about how hegemony is reproduced in regular patterns of life, like the passage in high school for example.
Friday, September 13, 2019
A Day in the Life of My Mother
Name: Zoey Tan Wei Lin (32) Class: 2 Endurance Date: 7 March 2011 A Day in the Life of My Mother A day in the life of my mother when she was my age was not easy. So a day in her teenager life starts like this. Early in the morning, about five thirty a. m. , I wake up and found a warm blanket on top of me. ‘Father had waked up and had covered me, again, in his warm blanket. ’ I thought. Anyway, I had to get up and help father in his humble little moveable cart that sell rojak, a mixtures of tropical fruits, such as pineapple and so on. So I got up, get dress and was ready. I got out of my room which I shared with four other siblings, my second sister, my younger sister, my second brother and my youngest brother. My mother had seven children, three sons and four daughters, however, my eldest sister had pass away when she was a baby. And my eldest brother slept in the living room while my mother and father slept in the other smaller room. My mother rent two rooms in this place near the Singapore River. When I got out I crept pass my grandmother’s bedroom. She is a scary woman, most of us do not like her as she only knows how to take money from father but she did not see how much effort mother and father put in order to support the family. However, when she does not get the money she wanted as the selling of rojak is not good, she will throw the freshly removed skin pineapple on the floor and make a scene. Does she not understand that by doing so, lesser people will want to buy the rojak and thus father could not earn enough to give her? And, of course, I gotten my revenge, I will throw the pineapple skin from other stall at her hair, which is neatly tie up as a bun. Then, I will hide behind one of the big, tall pillar without her noticing and she will start cursing about who naughty children that throw things at her. Little did she know that it was her granddaughter who throws it at her. I walked past my mother’s room, look in and found that she had already when to work. My mother is a pleasant lady that never raises her voice but she does punish us. As I had said, our family is not very wealthy so we could not just get anything we want and my only doll which is made of fragile plastic was being thrown onto the floor and thus, it was broken. It is also one of the reasons why I quit school, I simply cannot bear my mother going around borrowing money to pay for my school fees and to buy the materials needed for schooling. Furthermore, I had to helped my father sell rojak since my other siblings are either too young or does not even care. Thus, when I get home I was so tired! And it is already very late and I did not have time for studies. The lights have been switched off and I had to use an oil lamp but I still cannot see properly under the dim light. Anyway, it had been about four years now since I dropped out of school and my day since then had much like today expect that I had to walk down to Clarke Quark to buy opera tickets for my mother as this evening at the outdoor theatres hall will be showing her favorite show. However, sometimes I get to go home earlier but I will still have to helped my mother cooked rice. We used firewood or charcoal to cook and it will end up very watery than I had to scope the rice up and dry it to become like rice. Now I got out of the house and help father pushed the cart. Fortunately, today is a good day where there is no rain and the sun is not too hot. Thus, we managed to sell all the rojak early but it is still a tiring day as there are a lot of bridges that are very steep and, always, there are those few customer that are very difficult to please. We mainly sell along the Singapore River, it is dirty and smelly as ever. There are many many interesting things that happened daily. Today there was a shark corpse that was found by one of the fisherman and when they cut open the shark, they found a body inside. Today we get to earn a little extra more so dinner was also an extra special. We reach home and while father work inside the kitchen, I went out to play. We can play with many things and we could anything possible to something that amuses us. We also play with fire crackers. But nowadays I did not play so much, instead, I go to people’s park complex to look for either my aunt or my second sister. My second sister was working there as a tailor which I think I might soon join her as I could choose to be either a tailor or a hairdresser but I think i will choose to be a tailor instead of a hairdresser. Because I think it might suit me more. My aunt has a shop there, at the people’s park complex, selling beads, laces and other decorative materials used in sewing. So every night I will drop by there to help out and maybe my aunt will give one to five cents for me to buy sweets but I always save it up in a biscuit tin. Then, I will go home with my sister. And on the way home we will cross one bridge that is very dark and we will always run across it sometimes there noises on it we will scream saying there is a ghost. And when we finally reach home, I will be so tired and will go off to bed. So those were the fond memories my mother had when she was a young adult but her life was not that easy after all. However, she was strong enough and had braved through all difficulties. When I first asked her about her life her first was not good, very bad but her optimist kept her going on. My mother will always be my top number one idol!
Financial accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4
Financial accounting - Essay Example Return kind of ratios represents the ability of a company to measure its overall efficiency more so in generating the returns to the shareholders. On the other hand, ratios that indicate margin illustrate the ability of the company to translate its sales dollars into profits. This therefore implies that the main purpose of profitability ratios is to measure the ability of a company to generate its earnings relative to assets, equity and sales. Liquidity ratios indicates the ability of a company to meet or pay off its short term debt obligations or short term liabilities as they fall due. It indicates the company’s low default risk in case the ratios are more than one. The company’s current ratio is increasing over time indicating that the company’s ability is increasing as well. This means that the company is able to meet its short term liabilities with ease hence it is having a high performance. The company’s quick ratio is less than one implying that its most liquid assets are not enough to meet its short term obligations. This means that the company is over-leveraged, collecting its receivables slowly, paying its bills too quickly or struggling to grow or maintain sales. However, the trend indicates an increase in the company’s most liquid assets evidenced by increase in quick ratio. Efficiency ratio assist the company to measure how effectively it is utilizing its assets and or how well its liabilities are managed. These ratios show how efficient the assets of a business are working to generate sales. They therefore assist a business manager conduct business better. They show how quickly a company’s money from credit sales is collected or the number of times a company’s inventory turns over. Their main purpose is therefore to show how effective the management of the company is. The company has a high turnover ratios meaning that it is using few assets to generate more revenue hence it is very efficient in its
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Discrimination and Prejudice to Control and Protect Interest Assignment
Discrimination and Prejudice to Control and Protect Interest - Assignment Example Social difference and socialization exist, these are passed from parents to children. Fear and ignorance are the two greatest concepts of prejudice. Some are concerned with a loss of power and control and therefore prejudice and discriminate the certain group of people (Whitley & Kite, 2010). Â I encountered racial discrimination when I was the young adult. This was at a time when I went to an office to inquire about a license to hold a convention in a communal place. This was during political campaigns and I was campaigning for a local office. I wanted to hold a small rally on the local ground but I had to have a license for the same. The local police told me that I had to pay more money for the license because I was not white skin. They added that they would offer me the license at their mercy but not because I needed it. I felt so embarrassed but I did not give up with holding the rally. Â The police officers told me that I could not hold the rally at the ground because I was not supposed to hold a public rally at the ground. They told me that that place was a reserve for the right members but not me. This was pure prejudice and discrimination. They discriminated me because I was not white and showed prejudice to me because I did not belong to their social class. They thought that I was competing with them for the support of the local people to be elected as a local office holder. This was very hurtful and offensive as well. While it is true I offered my candidature for the local office, my aim was not to offer competition but to improve the life of the local people by bringing services to them. This was discrimination and prejudice. Â The police used their power and control to prejudice and discriminate me.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
SUPPLY AND DEMAND Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
SUPPLY AND DEMAND - Essay Example after awhile, as the market continues to flood with milk suppliers seeking to take chance of the soaring demand, competition among the suppliers will result in customer retention strategies such as lowered prices and better quality product. The overall supply and demand, however, will remain stable in line with this medical research finding. This is assuming that another cheaper alternative to milk, that is equally beneficial to the health of bones, is not touted by such scientific studies. Mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) is a transmissible, generative, deadly and slowly progressive disease of cows which is caused by a prion that can also cause brain and CNS diseases in humans who consume products and milk from these unhealthy cows. The causative agent is not removable by heating or thorough cooking and therefore in case of an outbreak of the mad cow disease, the demand and sales of local milk will take a considerable tumble (with the demand curve shifting to the left). The weak and meager supplies come from the fact of reduced productivity of sick cows and health inspection regulations. The weak demand will result in very low prices of the commodity. This is because the disease is known to progress slowly and therefore in an outbreak situation the consumer will treat with great skepticism even those who claim their cows are healthy. Assuming a trusted and health approved foreign supplier comes in with their milk; such milk will be sold at very high prices (because of scarcity of the product and other costs such as transport) (Sloman & Sutcliffe, 2003). Their product will be on high demand thus raising the need for higher supplies of the foreign brand. There will equally be increased demand and supply for milk substitutes such as almond milk which will also portend higher prices for the substitute commodities. Almond milk is a common cow (dairy) milk substitute obtained from almond. If the price of almond decreases, the consumers will go for
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Environmental Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Environmental Policy - Essay Example information regarding the occurring environmental degradation [Pellegrini &Gerlagh, 2006 page3] witnessed by the soviet union, Asia, Africa and even the Latin America. With democracy, was the ability to protest against the loose grip of the authorities on the optimum use of the resources available. Thus, the democratic setup helped the cause of raising voice high enough to reach the ears of the undertakers. By exploring the link between democracy and environmental policy we can find the nature of effect that each has on other, as for instance, countries with a democratic setup have a political commitment to the people of healthy environment. And democracy is a significant positive determinant of environment protection. The UK initiatives out of region have been in the developing countries, of which the present work will limit it to India. As India is arriving in the developed country arena with the zest never seen before, the sustainability model will be largely dependent on the shoulders of the youth of the nation. The UK s sustainable development projects in India aim at Natural Resource Management, Climate change policy, mainstream sustainable development and production aiming at reduced emissions[UK - SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS IN INDIA, 2006]. The UK Strategy for Sustainable Development, which uses that definition of sustainable development, has four objectives: - social progress which recognizes the needs of everyone - effective protection of the environment - prudent use of natural resources - maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth and employment.[MAPPING COMMON GROUNDS, 2001] UKs latest initiative on the matter of democratization in environment policy making is the... World is changing, and how?, so during this time when the scientists are busy coming out with more statistical â€Å"deadlines†of natural resources remaining on earth and people are busy getting one on one with the â€Å"global warming†glossary of terms, fewer have started the leap toward new ways of living that are less daunting on our planet. People are reminded of a serious â€Å"shift of origin†like condition of the planet when researchers declare that the rising temperatures due to global warming will harm the wine industry in the regions of California or the decreasing ICE CAP for polar bear survival or the melting glaciers of the Himalayas close to India. But still now in times of severe hunger and poverty stricken countries of the world, where survival comes before living, fewer will be courageous to take report of the now termed â€Å"planet in peril†. On the positive side, there is some relief in watching the efforts of international level org anizations and NGOs come to light the way towards a â€Å"prolonged†stay here, on earth. Greenpeace, Care, UN and among others are the forth runners in this task. Scientific knowledge and policy go together hand in hand. Scientists contribute to the framing of issues and the agenda for climate change by defining what evidence they can produce and by making claims about its significance for policy-makers. The future for the environmental policy making through democratization is clearer and it is going to be a key issue for the coming organizational setups. The industrial revolution of the 1900s has had initially profound effect on the global environment which are now showing up. There is a need for table turning policies and stringent actions.
Monday, September 9, 2019
Student loan vs bank loan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Student loan vs bank loan - Research Paper Example Flexibility of bank loans and federal loans - Federal loans are more flexible, starting from application to repayment process. Elements of loan forgiveness and guarantee in both loans - Federal loans are entitled to loan forgiveness and are guaranteed in case of death or disability. Bank loans are not. Interest rates – Federal loans have lower and fixed interest rates, while bank loans have higher and unstable interest rates. Counter-argument based on efficiency and student satisfaction – bank loans cater for all student needs as the loan amount is not fixed. The application procedure of bank loan is not cumbersome. 3. Conclusion Importance of both the federal student loans and bank loans in higher education Future of the education aid in United States, in form of bank loans and federal student loans Name Course Instructor Date Student Loan Vs. Bank loans In most developed and developing countries of the world, students are considered for loans to facilitate their highe r education. These are in the form of government student loans or the private loans, including bank loans. This is one of the ways in educational policies to ensure higher education for all in a country. In the United States, student loans are provided under the federal student loans. ... Forest observes that the state government plays the greatest role in financial aid for education of students in higher institutions of learning (259). However, he does not ignore the contribution of the private sector, especially banks, in offering students loans for their higher education. Nevertheless, Forest insists that the US federal government plays the most important role in financing students’ higher education as compared to the private sector, including banks. For instance, between 1998 and 1999, the federal government was responsible for 70 percent of financial aid to college and university students in the form of student loans. This was a total of $46 billion, inclusive of student loans and grants (Forest 260). This therefore points to the great influence of federal student loans in higher education, with bank loans having a lesser influence. According to Forest, what makes federal student loans to be more preferable is their limited requirements and conditions for one to qualify for. In the US, the federal student loans are easy to qualify for, and have fewer restrictions. On the other hand, bank loans are hard to qualify for and highly restrictive. For one to qualify for a bank account, they have to show a reliable credit history, and possess sufficient income as shown by one’s bank account balance. However, most students in the world are still young, with no reliable income or bank account balances, which can serve as collateral for the bank loans. This therefore makes student loans a good option for students, as they do not require any collateral as a qualification condition (Forest 263). â€Å"Kiplinger’s Personal Finance†records that the flexibility of federal student loans
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Classic Airlines Marketing Solution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Classic Airlines Marketing Solution - Essay Example This is irrespective of a manager’s educational background or their intellectual abilities as problem solving is a nurtured skill. Problems are a part of a business’s routine that helps it to grow. For instance, the objective of this paper will be to solve classic airlines marketing problem using the nine-step model by identifying and defining the problem. Additionally, it will tackle the objectives and obstacles available in the solving of the marketing problem of the airlines marketing department. Issues identification within Classic Airlines Classic airline is the world fifth largest airline with three hundred and seventy five jets in its stable. It has over two hundred and forty flight destinations with at least two--thousand three hundred flights in a day. Its existence is over twenty-five years, which has seen the company grow to having a total number of thirty two thousand employees. Its average turnover per year is between ten million and nine billion. Like any other business structure, Classic Airlines has had its part of challenges. The company witnessed intense plummet of its share price in the stock market because of flying uncertainties. In addition, the negative publicity exhibited by the public, the media and the Wall Street market have gravely affected employee morale hence affecting their overall performance. Problem statement In effect, the consumer confidence on the airline dwindled as the Classic customer reward program membership decreased by an alarming number. The number of flying times that the remaining Classic loyal customers reduced significantly over a short period. Some of the customers jumped ship to access services from the airlines competitors. Moreover, Classic Airline’s inability to meet the rising fuel and labor costs have made the airline unable to compete in a well represented market. In a counter approach move, the airline’s board of directors suggested a cost reduction measure for a period range of one and half years. Under the set period, Classic airline would be able to beef up its frequent flier programs that should bring a significant return on investment. SWOT analysis for the company Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Long time existence in the market Regular flight delays Investing on the changing customer needs Fierce competition from other players within the travel industry Internationally recognized brand The number of seats that a customer has to have for them to redeem their flier miles The recovery of the travelling industry Fluctuating global currency rates Customer loyalty to frequent flier programs Carelessness of staff leading to loss of client luggage The airlines’ good reputation with the labor unions High fuel and equipment costs Effective implementation of cost reduction measures Poor inter client and staff relationship Venturing in to new destinations both internationally and locally Sanctions imposed by the European Union on carbon emi ssions and the environment Good relations with its employees Reliance to old forms of travelling techniques Steps in problem solving for Classic Airline’s marketing problem Short-term issues Classic Airlines’ service product Ideally, the greatest, selling point of a product or service is the service product itself. In essence, a service is the act of approaching a need or want in an intangible manner where no one claims ownership.
Saturday, September 7, 2019
W6 OM Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
W6 OM Discussion - Essay Example Several modern day project managers associate themselves with six core concepts and processes of project management. These are initiating, planning and design, executing, monitoring and controlling, closing, and project controlling and project control systems (Meredith and Shafer, 2014). These systematic processes are in place to ensure that from the beginning to the end of a project, there are critical considerations for the roles that each stakeholder can play as a way of ensuring that the project becomes integrated and well coordinated to accomplish its desired goals. There are a number of projects across the globe that are perfect examples of the utilization of the core concepts of project management and how successfully these turned out to be. The HM Revenue and Custom’s (HMRC’s) Enterprise Release (ER) project is a perfect example of how project management was employed as a means of implementing IT services in a manner that was described to be in accordance with critical timescales and having very minimal disruptions to the business and public service (The Stationery Office, 2012). Even though there were challenges along the project, using the five major processes namely initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and control, and closing ensured that all of such challenges were overcome in due time. The Stationery Office (2012). Managing successful change: IT service transformation at HMRC. Accessed 17th April, 2014 from
Friday, September 6, 2019
Energy output of Bioethanol and Industrial Ethanol Essay Example for Free
Energy output of Bioethanol and Industrial Ethanol Essay Aim The aim of this investigation is to determine which of the two derivatives of ethanol releases more energy, Bioethanol or Industrial Ethanol. Hypothesis The main compound in both alcohols has the same chemical formulae C2H5OH, and the other compounds are unknown therefore the Energy output cannot be calculated exactly by using standard bond enthalpies. However, as the main compound is known and the same for both ethanols the energy output should be very similar. Therefore the difference in energy output only depends on the compounds which are blended to the alcohols. Apparatus Thermometer Metal can x2 Draught shield x4 Gloves Safety spectacles Heat-resistant mat Insulation card 100cm3 measuring cylinder x2 Spirit burner Clamp stand Balance Matches Substances E100 Bioethanol Industrial Ethanol Water Method The idea to do the experiment the way described is due to knowledge from past experiments and the IB textbook. Follow these steps 10 times, five times for each alcohol. Step 1: Measure 50cm3 of alcohol in a measuring cylinder Step 2: Weigh and record the empty spirit burner Step 3: Fill the 50cm3 of alcohol in the spirit burner Step 4: Weigh and record the filled spirit burner Step 5: Measure 100cm3 of Water in a measuring cylinder Step 6: Fill the water into the metal can Step 7: Set up the Apparatus as displayed (1 draught shield in each direction, south, north, west and east, forming a box around the apparatus; assure there are 2cm of space between the bottom of the metal can and the cotton wick) Step 7: Record the initial temperature of water Step 8: Light the cotton wick of the spirit burner Step 9: Record the temperature every 15 seconds until the cotton wick loses its flame Step 10: Weigh the spirit burner with the remaining alcohol to calculate how many grams of alcohol have been used Varables Temperature: Temperature of Water will be measured before every experiment. The whole experiment takes place at room temperature. Volume of Water: 100cm3 Mass of alcohol: 50cm3 filled in spirit burner. The mass will be measured before and after the experiment to figure how much has been used. Time: record every 15 seconds Concentration of alcohol: 1M Surface area of metal can which flame is heating up: same cans will be used and positioned at same place above the cotton wick to keep this constant. Length of cotton wick: 0.5cm Distance from cotton wick to bottom of metal can: 2cm Hazard Warnings Industrial Ethanol: Highly flammable. Therefore wear gloves and safety spectacles Bioethanol: Highly flammable. Therefore wear gloves and safety spectacles Chemistry HL Plan of Investigation
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