Saturday, November 30, 2019
Spanish Settlement Of The West Essays - Presidency Of James K. Polk
Spanish settlement of the west International borders have always been centers of conflict, and the U.S.-Mexican border is no exception. With the European colonizing the New World, it was a matter of time before the powers collided. The Spanish settled what is today Mexico, while the English settled what is to day the United States. When the two colonial powers did meet what is today the United States' Southwest, it was not England and Spain. Rather the two powers were the United States and Mexico. Both Counties had broken off from their mother countries. The conflict that erupted between the two countries where a direct result of different nation policies. The United States had a policy of westward expansion, while Mexico had a policy of self protection. The Americans never had a written policy of expansion. What they had was the idea of "Manifest Destiny." Manifest Destiny was the belief that the United States had the right to expand westward to the Pacific ocean. On the other hand, Mexico was a new country wanti ng to protect itself from outside powers. Evidence of U.S. expansion is seen with the independence of Texas from Mexico. The strongest evidence of U.S. expansion goals is with the Mexican-American War. From the beginning, the war was conceived as an opportunity for land expansion. Mexico feared the United States expansion goals. During the 16th century, the Spanish began to settle the region. The Spanish had all ready conquered and settled Central Mexico. Now they wanted to expand their land holdings north. The first expedition into the region, that is today the United States Southwest, was with Corando. Corando reported a region rich in resources, soon after people started to settle the region. The driving force behind the settlement was silver in the region. The Spanish settled the region through three major corridors; central, western and eastern. The first settlements were mainly through the central corridor. The Spanish went thorough what is now the modern Mexican state of Chihuahua into the U.S. state of New Mexico. Eventually the Spanish established the city of Santa Fe in 1689. The eastern corridor was through modern day Texas and led to the establishment of San Antonio. The eastern expansion was caused by the French expansion into modern day Louisiana. The Spanish crown wanted a buffer between the French in Louisiana and central Mexico. The last corridor of expansion was in the west, through the sea, which led to the establishment of San Diego in 1769 and Los Angles in 1781. The Spanish were not the only European power to colonize the new world; French, English and the Dutch also settled North and South America. The Spanish and the French settled what is present day U.S.-Mexico border region. The French settled modern day U.S. midwest, while the Spanish settled present day Mexico and U.S. southwest. As time went on, European influence in the region diminished.. The French sold there claims to the United States, in 1803 with the Louisiana Purchase. Mexico gained independence from Spain in 1821. Once the United States bought the Louisiana Purchase, western expansion began. This set the stage for major conflict in the region. The United States gained independence from England in 1775. After 1775, the Americans started to expand west. By the time Mexico gained independence, the United States had reached the Mexican frontier. Mexico needed to protect its northern borders. To protect the border region, Mexico needed to populate the area. Mexico continued the policy started by Spain of allowing Americans to settle Texas. The Americans had to follow Mexican law, religion and customs. The settlement of Texas played into the United States' expansion plans. Eventually Mexico City closed Texas from more Americans from entering. This angered the Americans wanting to enter and Americans already living in Texas. Texas revolted from Mexico in 1833. Mexicans did live in Texas, and fought for the independence of Texas. The majority of Texans were Americans and fought for their independence. After the war the Americans intentionally or non-intentionally forced most Mexicans out of Texas. The ones that stayed faced racial tensions that continue to today. After gaining independence from Mexico, Texas wanted to join the United States immediately. The U.S. Congress voted
Monday, November 25, 2019
The Double Ten Day Holiday in China
The Double Ten Day Holiday in China Double Ten Day (é›™å ç ¯â‚¬) is celebrated yearly on October 10. Double Ten Day is the anniversary of the Wuchang Uprising (æ ¦Ã¦ËœÅ'è µ ·Ã§ ¾ ©), a revolt that led to a declaration of independence from the central government by Wuchang and several other provinces in China in 1911. The Wuchang Uprising led to the Xinhai Revolution (è ¾â€ºÃ¤ º ¥Ã© ©Ã¥â€˜ ½) in which revolutionary forces overthrew the Qing Dynasty, ending more than 2,000 years of dynastic rule in China and ushering in the Republican Era (1911 to 1949). The revolutionaries were upset over government corruption, the encroachment of foreign countries into China, and resentment over Manchu rule over Han Chinese. The Xinhai Revolution ended with Emperor Puyi being ousted from the Forbidden City in 1912. The Xinhai Revolution led to the establishment of the Republic of China (ROC) in January 1912. After World War II, The ROC government lost control of the Chinese mainland to the Chinese Communist Party in the Chinese Civil War (1946 to 1950). In 1949, the ROC government retreated to Taiwan, where its constitution has remained in force to the present day. Who Celebrates Double Ten Day Nearly all Taiwanese have the day off from work on Double Ten Day in Taiwan. In mainland China, Double Ten Day is referred to as the Anniversary of the Wuchang Uprising (æ ¦Ã¦ËœÅ'è µ ·Ã¤ ¹â€°Ã§ º ªÃ¥ ¿ µÃ¦â€" ¥) and memorial celebrations are often held. In Hong Kong, small parades and celebrations are held though they have not been as lavish since the transfer of Hong Kong’s sovereignty from the United Kingdom to China on July 1, 1997. Overseas Chinese living in cities with large Chinatowns also host Double Ten Day parades. How People Celebrate Double Ten Day in Taiwan In Taiwan, Double Ten Day begins with a flag-raising ceremony in front of the Presidential Building. After the flag is raised, the National Anthem of the Republic of China is sung. A parade from the Presidential Building to the Sun Yat-sen Memorial is held. The parade used to be a military parade but now government and civic organizations are included. Afterward, Taiwan’s president gives a speech. The day concludes with fireworks.
Friday, November 22, 2019
A Shakespearean Prep
Diversity can it be defined? Shouldn’t every person be a living example of it? I am as different as night and day. I am probably the only Mexican in existence who dislikes Mexican food. My main contradiction, though, is my personality and my love for theater. I am a Dallasite through and through. From going to private school to shopping at Marcus to driving a BMW, I am the embodiment of a teenager living a privileged life. There is a side of me, however, that goes much deeper a more artistic side. Though my body may be devoted to the prep lifestyle, my soul has one passion theater. I have always felt comfortable on stage. It’s actually more than comfort, it’s a sense of belonging. Acting is the essence of my being and I often use my craft to define myself. Yet, how can I explain to my friends the beauty of a Shakespearean couplet when the only rhymes they care about are in the latest hip-hop hit? Here I find myself at the ultimate contradiction: the theater kid who conforms to the expectations of her seemingly homogeneous friends. But as the boisterous theater kid, I am unable to be stifled even by my best friends. Through my own diversity, I have overcome this obstacle. I embrace my individuality around my friends and believe that it is because of this that they love me as they do. Instead of listening to rap, I hum tunes from â€Å"Rent†in school and randomly quote Shakespeare during car rides or dinner parties. This path to individuality has not been easy. I was not always accepted for my theatrical tendencies. In fact, I lost many a friend because I am, well, a drama queen. Also, my life is not filled with others who, like me, love the spotlight (an actual spotlight, that is) and the Bard. Yet, in high school I began to find a few like me three. But this was all I needed. Once I found this small group, I could easily go back to my other friends feeling more comfortable in my own skin. Thus, all my contradictions (my inability to memorize chemical equations while easily learning lines of Shakespeare), are what make me quirky. I’m the loud theater freak whose friends are quiet and non-confrontational. I’m that actress who spends time with girls â€Å"who lunch.†But most important, I am myself.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Analyzing langguage Communities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Analyzing langguage Communities - Essay Example The modern society has developed a different meaning of the term queer in comparison to what was known two decades ago. The society viewed gay, lesbians, and bisexuals as individuals who had queer character traits. The morals of lesbians, gays or bisexuals were queer to the society. In many cases, the society would refer to these groups of people as queer. In response to this term, the gay, lesbians and bisexuals decided to defiantly apply this name. The term queer loses its original meaning when gay; lesbians or the bisexuals feel that the term is okay with them. It has become a common language in the streets. Some gays or lesbians respond to it by claiming that they teach the straight people how to dress or introduce new fashion to the straight people in the society. Whenever the gays or lesbians react in this manner, the term queer does not seem to have a negative impact or meaning to their morals. I think that in trying to cope with the humiliation brought by the term, they have resorted into mocking the society or the straight people. History indicates that lesbian and gay activists started using queer in 1980s as a self-identification. On the contrary, it did not appear to them as an insult, but as a means that promoted their motives to the society. When lobbying for their activities and principles in the society, the activists propagated the name to identify themselves as people who are queer to the society. It is true that their moral is queer, as the name would seem to suggest. The continuous or the public use of the term queer by the lesbians, gays, and bisexuals has led to erosion of the real meaning of the term. Notably, the society would adopt names according to the immediate meaning. The next generation may not know the genesis of the term queer, but would adopt it in their normal language usage. Many people still feel that queer is a term that insults on the behavior or the conduct of an individual. This especially applies when the individual in question belong to the gay or lesbian community. The term has a greater harm to the individual especially in an environment where people associate the term to gay or lesbian practices. Some people may not treat any insult lightly; it might result into shady show in the streets. The insulted individual may decide to retort back by hulling abusive words. The society regards a name as an important tool that markets a character. Any situation that taints the name of an individual may elicit heated reactions. Culturally, gay or lesbians have no place in the society. People who advocate for good cultural practices believe that gay or lesbians have raped good morals. The social acceptance of an individual in the society depends of cultural inclination of the society. Queer means cultural rejection of a particular trait of an individual. Names given to events or occurrences define the social values of the community. Gay and lesbians value their characters in contrasts to the society. The so ciety attributes the term queer to a lost value or something that is worthless. Each individual would wish to have some value in the society. Gay and lesbians exert their worthiness in the society by identifying themselves using this term. In the past the term elicited negative reaction, but today it has taken a new drift. Gay and lesbian lobbyist
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Carman Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Carman Evaluation - Essay Example duced Carmen Jones in the year 1954 and various other directors such as Dorothy Dandridge who won an Oscar award as the best actor later adopted the opera (Dolen). Harry Belafonte also played a significant role in the acting and directing various scenes of the Carmen. Carmen grew in popularity and majority of the directors adopted the theme and produced various scripts favoured by majority of the people who were fans of the original Carmen. Since 1975, no director has managed to come up with a new version of the Carmen. However, in the present day, director and playwright Moses Kaufman has decided to come up with a team to bring out the new version of Carmen. The task existed and took the name Laramie Project. It comprises of Auturo O’Farrill, who is a composer and won the Grammy awards. He is working together with Ronald K Brown who is a choreographer together with Henry Fonte, a producer (Dolen). They have assimilated their cast to comprise of many professional and student actors to feature in the new version of the play. The opera made its first appearance at the Jerry Herman Ring Theatre, which is located at UM, Coral Gables campus set at 8p.m. on Wednesday. It ran until November 23rd. The plot has however been altered in the new script and production. The role of Carmen has changed and she is not a Spanish beauty who works at a cigarette factory located in 1820 Seville as in the original production of the opera. The setting, through the directors of the script, takes place in Cuba, 1958. The music of the play comprises of Afro-Cuban ascent. In the current opera, which also has a slightly twisted theme setting has changed the roles which are played by the characters of the play (Currie & Horbart 15). Carmen in the plot practises Santeria. She works in a cigar factory, an element that makes the original Carmen and the latest have a marked similarity (Dolen). However, she assists the rebels hiding in the mountains by smuggling guns for them. She also has a
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Favorite Teacher Essay Example for Free
Favorite Teacher Essay Choosing a favorite teacher is fairly difficult when one puts into account all the types of teachers they have known, all of them are important. Teachers are the second most important people in our lives, right after our parents. Teachers are persuasive and have the power to build a child up from an immature student to become a responsible adult; or they can completely and utterly crush a students hopes and dreams. As an identical twin my mother has always pulled a few strings to have my sister and me in the same classes throughout elementary school. We were absolutely inseparable. Transitioning from elementary to middle school was a milestone for me. Every class I was placed in was different from my sister’s. I was friendless, and at times I felt hopeless scrambling to find friends; I was overwhelmed by the turmoil of the middle school system. At my locker I forgot a key ingredient, the combination; completely overloaded with homework, tests and loneliness, I sat at my locker and sobbed. It was there I crossed paths with one of the most important people I have ever known. The first time I met Ms. Reagan was when she gave the upcoming middle-schoolers a tour of the school the summer before my sixth grade year. She was short, thin and had an intelligent look. She seemed truly interested in me, given my mother had met her on vacation a few years back. Ms. Reagan assured my worried mother I would do perfectly fine in a new environment without my sister. However, when school began, so did my problems. Mr. Wolff was my sixth grade English teacher, as an advanced English student the first essay he assigned was rather demanding. Struck by writer’s block, I was only able to conquer five pages of the assigned six-page essay. Mr. Wolff asked for a word after class; obliging I listened to him rant about how he expected more out of me than five pages of redundancy. I left the classroom with a rigid, seemingly emotionless expression. I went to my only friend, my locker, and began to sob when I remembered I had forgotten my combination. Walking back from the teachers’ lounge, Ms. Reagan calmly asked me to explain my dilemma; she offered support and assured me I would do well, promising me I would make friends. I left school that day consoled and filled with a newborn hope that I would progress through the sixth grade successfully; after all it was just the third day of school. After a few weeks of attending middle school, I began to gain friends; they were not comparable to my twin, but they were accepting. I listened to what Ms. Reagan had mentioned to me and I was able to gain more and more friends I today refer to as my closest friends. With Ms. Reagan’s advice I was able to conquer my fears of having no friends, and I finally was able to master the dreaded locker combination. Ms. Reagan is the embodiment of a leader and sets an endless example of respect and commitment for her current students and students of years prior. She treats everyone with kindness and compassion and is always willing to give advice to anyone. Most importantly, she believes in herself as a teacher and, in turn, her students learn to believe in themselves. I have been able to acquire this knowledge of Ms. Reagan through various lunch visits when I was unable to find a table. We spoke of our families, futures, travels and opinions. Although it has been years since I sat in her classroom, Ms. Reagan continues to affect me in a very meaningful way. In the summer we often go to the same part of Newport during the same time; she often walks past my house, and even on the hottest of days, she will always stop at the end of my driveway just to chat. In return, when I get the chance, I like to stop by to visit her after school lets out just to catch up for a little bit and fill her in on the latest news in my life. However, although our conversations may be few and far between, they always make for memorable moments. As I continue to get older, I cannot help looking back and reminiscing about my days as an elementary student. I feel lucky for having such an unforgettable childhood and thankful for the people that were apart of it. Ms. Reagan has always been more than an educator to me, and I am so blessed to have her as a part of my life.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
School or Prison? :: Cause Effect Violence Essays
School or Prison? At Wyoming Valley West there have been too many disruptions that have given our school a negative reputation. Threats of violence were all too common. These threats affected many people involved in theschool district. They also affected the police officers that put their lives on the line to come into a building with a possible bomb inside. My senior year stands out among the rest. Coming into my senior year of high school, I hoped that I would have a nice, quiet, enjoyable, and memorable year. However, it ended up being the worst year ofmy four years in high school. Within the stretch of a week and a half, there were four bomb threats made at our school. On the days of each threat there was a note found in the girls' lavatory. The first note was found on a Friday afternoon after school was dismissed. I did not hear about it untilthe following Monday. On that day, I was sitting in Law class like any other Monday morning. It wasaround 10:30 A.M., when the principal of the school, Mr. DeRemer, spoke over the loud speaker. He announced that the building was being evacuated. Every student had to immediately leave the building in an orderly fashion and report directly to his or her bus. Those students who drove to school were toleave their vehicles behind. At the time, no one was sure what was happening. When I got home that afternoon, I turned on the television to see if there was anything on the newsMany of the local news stations were at the school, and they reported that there had been a bombthreat. This scared me. It had been only a mere ten months since the tragedy in Littleton, Colorado atColumbine High School. Even though I knew that it was most likely somebody just playing games, I stillhad to think of the worst. We were allowed to return to the school that evening to pick up our cars. The next day, the pranksters did not wait too long too strike again. I was sitting in first period,Classical Literature class. My teacher in that class just happened to be the wife of the superintendent ofWyoming Valley West School District.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Analysis of “The Trouble with Fries†Essay
Malcolm Gladwell’s article â€Å"The Trouble with Fries†is about a very invasive topic. Fast Food is killing us. Can it be fixed? Although his thesis statement isn’t exactly clear, he effectively uses evidence to convince his audience that a nutrition movement is needed especially for fast food. By discussing many factors with supporting evidence that is factual he shows why fast food is struggling to have a nutrition movement. Malcolm Gladwell uses some very shocking facts about French fries and how unhealthy they are for the body. He states the average American eats about thirty pounds of French fries a year. In 1990, health concerns arose about using animal-based cooking oil to deep fry them. This caused major fast-food houses to switch to deep frying in vegetable oil. Gladwell then proves this change to be even unhealthier. Switching to vegetable oil means going from saturated fat to trans-fat, this makes the body’s ability to regulate cholesterol uncontrollable. Vegetable oil becomes a trans-fat because it has to go through hydrogenation to become suitable for deep frying. According to a study Gladwell uses, for every 5% increase in the amount of saturated fats that a woman consumes, her risk of heart disease increases by 17%. But only a 2% increase in trans-fat will increase her heart disease risk by 93%. This study was designed by Walter Willett who also states that the consumption of trans-fat in the United States probably causes about 30,000 premature deaths each year. This evidence used by Gladwell is very persuasive in the matter that an actual nutrition movement is needed. Gladwell discusses an alternative healthier way to deep fry French fries which shows great strength in his argument. The much healthier way of deep-frying French fries is by using Olestra, Malcolm Gladwell discusses. Olestra is a fat substitute that cannot be absorbed by the body. Frito-Lay’s no-fat Wow! chips are made with a version of Olestra. The FDA won’t approved the alternate healthier way of deep-frying French fries by using Olestra because they claim it causes gastrointestinal distress. Proctor and Gamble, the developers of Olestra, performed a test and found that people eating typical amounts of Olestra-based chips don’t have significantly more gastrointestinal problems than people eating normal chips. The FDA is now reviewing this finding. Gladwell used this to point out that it’s entirely possible, right now, to make a French fry without many dangerous health concerns. The very strong point of this article is that Malcolm Gladwell not only uses French fries in his argument, but beef as well, to prove that it is not only the FDA holding back a nutrition movement. Gladwell uses evidence found by Auburn University. The Auburn Team created what they called the AU Lean beef. This was a beef patty that was ? water, 20% protein, 5% fat and, ? seaweed. They did a blind taste test comparison of AU Lean burgers and traditional McDonald’s burgers. The AU Lean burgers won overall. AU Lean also won in a test of 100 families trying AU Lean, market beef, and 5% fat beef. What this showed was that people can be fooled into thinking they’re eating a lot of fat when they really aren’t. Shortly after, McDonald’s came out with the McLean Deluxe, using AU Lean beef. It was sold as the healthy choice, therefore people were informed it was healthy and it went off the market. This was great evidence Gladwell used that proved Americans think healthier food won’t taste as well. There was also evidence that children also think the same way as the McDonald’s example of healthier food won’t taste as good. Gladwell discusses an experiment by Leann Birch on children’s aspects of food based on restriction. The experiment consisted of a large group of children feeding them a big lunch then letting them loose in a room with lots of junk food. Her findings were some children ate none of the junk food while others really chowed down. This showed that the ones who chowed down are restricted from high-fat, high-sugar food so they think in terms of presence and absence of food rather than their hunger. Because they had been told junk food was bad for them, they thought that it had to taste good. This example really set the light for Gladwell’s argument. It’s not the fact that the food is unhealthy but because of it. Malcolm Gladwell effectively convinced his audience that a nutrition movement is needed. He proves that not only the FDA is holding back an actual nutrition movement but the consumers as well. He supports this by the studies of evidence he provided stating there are healthier ways to fast food. Works Cited Gladwell, Malcolm. â€Å"The Trouble with Fries. †The New Yorker 5 Mar. 2001. Web. 20 Feb. 2013.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
It was written in the early romantic era 2. Can you think of another famous composer from this period? Ambrose Thomas was also a composer during this period. He composed the opera Hamlet. 3. What instruments are required to play the piece? The piano is the main instrument and sometimes only instrument used to play this piece 4. For whom was the piece originally written? This was written for and dedicated to Beethoven's star pupil, countess Giggliest Guardia 5. When and where did the premier take place?The original premier took place in 1 802 in the Brunswick family estate when Beethoven dedicated the piece to his pupil. 6. Was this piece written early, late, or in the middle of the composer's career? I would say that he wrote the piece in the early to middle parts of his life. Day 2: In-Depth Focus on a Piece Learning about the history and genesis of a piece is only a small part of really getting to know it. Listen to the piece several more times. As you listen, focus on your own rea ctions.The effect it has on you, the listener, is the most important thing; background information and historical data are only one piece of the puzzle. Describe your reaction to the piece, answering the questions below. 1. If there are words, what are they about? Is the text religious or secular? How does the music support or describe what the text is saying? There are no words to go along with this piece 2. If the text was in another language, were you able to find a translation? If not, what do you think the subject could have been, based on what you heard?There was no text to the music but I assume the song was like a declaration of love because he dedicated it to his passion Giggliest Guardia. 3. Describe the character of the music. Is it happy, sad, angry, pensive, tumultuous or playful? Something else? I believe this piece is soothing and calming while at the same time energetic and exciting. 4. What is your favorite thing about the piece? Describe why you like it. I like the way the piece make you feel, it take me through an entire circle of emotions every time I listen to it.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Paving The Way Of The World
worth uses the different meters to set the tone of the speaker’s voice. In line one, â€Å"The world is too much with us; late and soon,†he iambic pentameter. It allows the reader to hear the tone in his voice. He a... Free Essays on Paving The Way Of The World Free Essays on Paving The Way Of The World The speaker in William Wordsworth’s poem â€Å" The World Is Too Much with US †is a man who is not pleased with the way people take advantage of the world. He claims that we are too wrapped up in material things that we can not see the natural beauty of the world. Wordsworth portrays the irritation and discouragement of the man through metaphors, apostrophe, and the different meters of the poem. He uses these three techniques to set the tone and enable us to look deeper into the poem. Wordsworth uses metaphors all throughout the poem. The metaphors makes the poem come to life and enables the reader to get a lucid picture of what he’s talking about. The speaker says, â€Å"we have given our hearts away, a sordid boon†(4). He is referring to our hearts as the one true thing that nature has given as a blessing. Our hearts are a blessing that we have allowed to corrupt by thinking of the world materialistically. The speaker also makes reference to the world when he says, â€Å" the winds that will be howling at all hours/and are now gathered up like sleeping flowers†(6-7). He means that the world is continuous and strong, never ceasing to end even though we do not notice it. Wordsworth uses apostrophe as well to portray the feelings of the speaker. It is almost like he is standing in front of a crowd of people making a speech. â€Å" Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers†(2). He says it as though he is telling them, including himself, what they are guilty of. Then he says, â€Å" for this, for everything, we our out of tune†(8). The speaker continues to use the word â€Å"we†to let the people know that they are not the only guilty party; everyone is responsible. To end it all, Wordsworth uses the different meters to set the tone of the speaker’s voice. In line one, â€Å"The world is too much with us; late and soon,†he iambic pentameter. It allows the reader to hear the tone in his voice. He a...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Market & social research - research proposal Essay
Market & social research - research proposal - Essay Example The financial crisis impacted negatively on the savings of the British public as most banks lost the savings entrusted to them by depositors. According to Buckley, one of the major contributors to the global financial crisis was the untenable rise in subprime mortgage lending (2011). Part of the reason for the rise in subprime mortgage lending is attributable to the government’s own efforts to win votes and popularity by making it easy for the public to buy homes. Also, the banks rode on this high risk debt products due to their potential to generate immense profits. The banks leveraged the mortgage loans with credit default swaps and the mass failure of borrowers to pay back led to added levels of debt on the banks’ books of account. Ultimately, the culmination of mass defaults led to the financial crisis. Due to globalization, the financial crisis had a negative impact on many countries since the world economies are interconnected. The credit crunch had cross cutting effects that affected virtually all sectors of the economy. This led to social economic changes that had direct impact on the British public (Akinbami 2011). This paper will evaluate the British public attitudes towards the banking sector after the financial crisis. ... The onus is upon the financial regulatory agencies to establish the public attitudes and implement strategies to ensure that the financial sector is positively perceived by the public (Hodson & Deborah 2009). The needs of bank customers are evolving rapidly and it is therefore necessary for banks to put in place futuristic plans that can effectively cater for the evolving needs of their customers. Objectives 1. To investigate the public’s attitude towards the banking sector after the financial crisis. 2. To establish the public perceptions on who is to blame for the financial crisis 3. To identify the information that the public receives in regards to the banking industry in the United Kingdom and how this information affects their attitudes towards the banks 4. To establish the consumer trends in the banking sector and the evolving needs of the bank customers 5. To identify the banking products that the customers will need in twenty years time. Limitations The domain of the s tudy comprises of all the public and it is difficult to access all the domains of the public. Suffice to say, the research will be restricted to a sample of the public selected through convenience sampling. It is also notable that numerous changes have occurred in the banking sector after the financial crisis and new factors may contribute to the public attitudes towards the banking sector. Research Design It is important that the opinion and attitudes of the members of the public should be correctly observed and recorded. This research will adopt a pragmatic philosophy in order to effectively collect information about the perceptions and attitudes of the public. It is important to that the nature of the research problem demands for multiple views to appropriately answer
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Privacy is not the most important right Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Privacy is not the most important right - Essay Example There was very limited control in the society. However, modern institutions have developed controls that have raised very various privacy concerns. Privacy has become a matter of concern to many thinkers, law makers, human rights activists and other essential policy makers. Despite the significance of the right to privacy and the existing laws supporting it, government agencies, security departments and legislative authorities across the globe have engaged in laws and acts that violate the right to privacy as a basic principle that define human dignity. The guiding principle for security agencies in Britain is that security interests and ensuring stable human security is supersedes the basic right to privacy. The United Kingdom has overemphasized the protection of human security at the expense of the constitutional right to privacy. The installation of public surveillance cameras in major cities and towns in Britain is an example of a major violation of the fundamental right to privacy in the country. As a matter of fact, every individual has something to hide from the public, a fact that may be infringed by the installation of surveillance cameras. It is a universally acknowledged that people should not be allowed to hide under the guise of the right privacy to commit crimes and cause harm to law abiding members of the society. Proponents of this point of view hold that privacy is not one of the most fundamental human rights. Most scholars will concur with my position that, privacy defines comprehensively the right to be left alone and refrain from sharing an individual’s private information with other people. Some of the common issues that are catered for by privacy rights include: individual truths, private matters and issues, individual information as well as ones secrecy. The right to privacy is commonly popular and profound to free people. It offers a significant amount of
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